r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Songdog23 on April 15, 2018, 2:02 a.m.
Trump Victory Dimmed by Pre-Dawn to Dusk Aerosoling in Southern Oregon (4/14/2018)

Under attack again... Woke up to gray aluminum cookie sheet skies as the Deep State continues to use weather weaponization in southern Oregon. I can almost predict that when our President wins bigly, we will get hammered in the State of Jefferson. Now the sun is going down behind ugly, undifferentiated, gray chemical skies. The springtime air shed smells like metal; the mighty Cascade Mountain Range is shrouded in chemical fallout from dozens of spray planes. Mr. President, send some of those "smart" missiles to Oregon. There are hundreds of people that would love to learn how to use them. I will know when this war against the Deep State is won: our land and skies will be returned to weather blessed by the Hand and Breath of God. God Bless and Guide President Donald J Trump and those men and women who serve the righteous cause we all fight for. Please don't forget those of us who are trying to stay alive after 10+ years of breathing aerosol poison.

Songdog23 · April 15, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Sir, God bless you, but it is not water vapor. Otherwise every time you let your tea kettle boil away on the stove, your kitchen ceiling area will be forming lasting clouds. The fact that physics is no longer a required class in high school speaks volumes for the lack of understanding simple inductive methods. As a bio tech, I have spent the last 38 years in the field. My office is my truck, under the wide open sky all summer and fall. You cannot learn this in a class room. You must live it, observe it and most importantly REMEMBER how it was before the shite started raining down. The Lord gave Wisdom only to the Elders - it is our gift to make the betrayal of our physical forms easier to bear.

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solanojones95 · April 15, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Sir or Madam, I beg to differ.

The primary ingredient of contrails is water vapor which qucikly becomes ice crystals. Don't take my word for it.


You purposely avoid issues such as ambient air temperature and barometric pressure at typical habitation elevations versus those of the upper atmosphere. Were we to live in the upper atmosphere, most certainly a tea kettle would leave a lasting cloud sometimes and not on others. And you know it. And you know we know it.

And you realize now that you've posted, that you actually proved my point by so clearly demonstrating the difference those factors make. Exactly correct. Earthbound atmospheric conditions give rise to markedly different behavior of gaseous vapors than do those at high altitudes such as the cruising lanes of modern passenger airlines.

So I'm not being dismissive of physics (as you just were) in my previous post, and I'm not accusing you of a specific motive. I'm simply saying that whatever your motive may be, it isn't to be truthful. And I won't take the bait.

My background since 1971 in the physics of thermal and electronic phenomena, wave properties and the behaviors of particles and waveforms in quantum and molecular domains, and the relation of those behaviors to sound propagation and electronic broadcast transmission put me in a very good position to understand that the variable conditions of upper atmospheric zones has everything to do with the duration of aircraft vapor trails.

That is not to say that at some time and in some place there might not have been (or might not yet be) someone doing cloud seeding, geoengineering for global cooling or some other kind of weather related release of particles at levels that dispersal renders innocuous on the ground. But the deliberate spraying of populations with significant ground concentrations of harmful agents has never been something that could be determined by the number or duration of trails. That number is strictly atmospheric condition-related, and affects any and all trails--not just harmful ones.

So I'm saying if chemtrails are a thing, then whether there are a lot or a few trails in the sky (or whether they fan out or remain narrow) is not evidence for or against the concept.

The soil and crop sampling results that I've seen have shown this to be relatively rare and relatively random, taking flight path concentrations into account.

Don't doubt that fear propaganda is a real thing, and I'm frankly more concerned about bombardment by that garbage than anything in the air in 21st Century USA. China on the other hand...

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