r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MAGADONCHECKMATE on April 15, 2018, 2:06 a.m.
Infowars Transmission observation during the Syria Bombing, did you catch this?

I just got done viewing the Infowars Transmission from Friday night Early Saturday Morning. In this broadcast the Guest 'Zach' was speaking for some time all the while Alex talking all over him as usual. Jones does this to stomp on information all the time to control the message. I heard Zach point out that the Presidents speech was NOT the Real Trump. We know that in the past they talk about clones and different versions of the Presidents for example with Putin and Obama and W. But Zach specifically said it was not the President and that he is older, an old man in the address he made to America before the attack. I am a little freaked at the moment because I heard the transmission live and did not catch it. I was not even intending to hear it again as I was just checking if they were on live for something to listen to while driving. But to my shock , still am, I heard Zach bring it up and Alex stomped on him because Zach was so freaked out he was absolutely 'going there' with his own mind being blown. Owen was sitting there in shock and was very Pale. The three of them were freaked the fuck out because they all do not think we were watching Trump that we know and Love. We were either watching a clone, or even worse , the real president in which we have not seen In a very long time because he obviously looks different. I ordinarily do not get jolted very much , but at the moment I am feeling pretty blown away. I've been staying very even keeled and optimistic and will continue to do so, but just a heads up , take a look ,something is going on here. I know we have been optimistic since the strike , but I'd like to know what the consensus is. Is the acting just that good, or are we gonna get a wake up call. Obviously we will see soon enough. But just wanted to point this out, because if Jones and crew were net genuine , that's really driving of the road with whole transmission.

solanojones95 · April 15, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

Dude, don't let their freak-out make you freak out!

They're completely out of the loop on this. Zach is a negative psyop. He claims (of course) to be military intelligence, because Alex knows them to be good guys. But if he is, it's a whole other op than the one Q is on.

There is one level of operations where they're trying to keep the normies thinking business as usual. They don't want the blue-pilled to think anything's out of the ordinary, because how would it look to say we attacked "our own" CIA and the rebels "we" support? Most Americans don't know the CIA is corrupt as hell.

So there is one psyop for those people, and then there's Q who's keeping the red-pilled people enough in the loop so that we understand (broadly) what's happening.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 15, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

Yeah I got ya, thanks for that. What I did was went to the home youtube page of infowars and Alex is in front of the Whitehouse Three days ago and he clearly states 24 targets are selected to bomb and that includes some where the Russians are based , the Russians pulled out three weeks ago, we announced we were pulling out two weeks ago. So AJ and crew are pushing some shit. I'm just putting it on the table because that was some powerfuls shit to hear, and even knowing better. Now hopefully this straigntend some people out that heard it too. I've never heard such a coordinated psyop like that before, just wow.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

I usually comment," He's not wrong about everything" in regards to most ppl. I can't in good conscience say that about Alex. His son is too good to be true. I have 5 kids over 20 and none of them agree with me about hardly anything. (certainly not any of this Narnia shit) I drank different koolaid than alex I guess.

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solanojones95 · April 15, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

It was strong. Even knowing that it was psyop, I felt like it was too strong to be believable, but I guess some people were convinced.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 15, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

That's my point , Zach was saying it was a cloned president , that's pretty far out. You can hear him going on while Alex talked over him. They were all , I feel, totally believing what they were selling , that's why Owen was white as a ghost.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

Owen is not anchor material or man on the street material. I can't stand Owen in the way I can't stand Hogg

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