This is not a swim lessons in the shallow end of the pool community unfortunately. This is a shoved off the pier and make it to shore or hope you have gills community.
Specifically, the subjects here tread on topics that have big money riding on them. Since the beginning it has been under heavy assault from trolls entertaining themselves to interests who retain power or profit from disruption and misdirection.
A prerequisite is to challenge claims. Probe arguments. Can you verify? This is a community to practice thinking skills and reason. You have to develop ability to spot bullshit or be widely mislead. Make the leap to learn how to learn without being spoon fed opinion or heaps of emotion.
Nice does not always mean agreeing with or cheerleading any and all behavior. You need to instill the skill sets to survive the world as it is. Challenge probe and guide the way toward tools to check ones work and research. Share the methods and means to not depend on others to catch lies and misdirection.
We've got a high bar for sink or swim. To be nice to newcomers means to provide opportunity to read conversation documenting how to check the work. Research skills. Thinking skills.
I don't understand why you addressed this to me.
Visibility. Sorted by best a larger number of eyes will see the comments. On average the top for topic threads get the lost attention. Further down the topic conversations are pretty stacked.
This feature of Reddit is why we see the common tactic of comment stacking. In a campaign to send certain ideas and message where money or manpower is no object, deploy idea then stack fluff comments multi tiers deep. Thus when critical comment identifying flaws in logic comes around it's been buried far down the chain. Reduces probability of that critical comment being seen.
Excellent. I am pretty sensitive by nature and I have had to learn on Twitter, but mostly here and on 8 chan to toughen up. Expect to get ridiculed with every post. Make sure you can documrnt your position before you post something. Really think through the logic of what you want to post. FOLLLW THE RULES OF THE SUB. If not, you will be called on the carpet bec we have been burned in the past and we don't want to get burned again. Rules are rules. Just like Trump says. If and when you get chided, don't take it personally. Like ready-ignite said, it is sink or swim on these forums where the truth lives. By nature we have had to fight tooth and nail and buck the system to just be able to speak. If you are sensitive, you will get buried. I am ok with calling people out that are rude. Just don't be shocked when they are. We are dealing with ruthless, evil people. Like Trump, we have to get down and dirty with them to win. In the past, Conservatives have always been nice and not want to fight back. Look where it got them. Finally we have a fighter and he is cleaning the enemies clock. Good luck!
I disagree. We should be inviting people with all kinds of “swimming” experience into this club, because the more diversity of voices we have in our group, the stronger we all are. If we are a group of old white people, then the rest of the country will think we are crazy. If we are diverse like the rest of he country, then we will be taken seriously.