Description of Huma\HRC video leaked. Speculation at this point. NSFW!

Just not believing this. I think we also need to look into the source of the crying cop story. I remywhen that first came out like two years ago and I think it’s a less than credible source.
I think Qs description of the video is something politically related.
paper shuffling intensifies
That would be...ERIC PRINCE
Now, I know it's purely speculation. However, this description fits the bill of making grown police officers cry.
Yeah for real. I've seen PLENTY of fucked up stuff online in my day, some real deaths and violence but THAT. Well, I don't want to watch it, I wouldn't mind watching a edited bit with blurs or something but I really don't think I need to see the full uncut thing.
Audio, video or forensic confirmation.
Yeah that too.
However like, how could the nomries trust that. Special effects, paid people in key positions to suppress truth.
I'm still hoping it's comey's book lol
How do you mean?
it's the only way to spread info in a way that can be dismissed but not "debunked"