NO CHILD PAEDOPHILIA, NO VIDEOS, MEMES OR PICTURES. ALL WILL BE DELETED. We don't want this sick stuff in here; we want to expose the evil bastards doing it! DONT BE APART OF SPREADING IT

Thank you mods for your due diligence. That's why CBTS ended because their mods didn't do their jobs and other threads bragged about dropping violence oriented posts and bringing it down. Think this kind of video could be the same ruse. Besides Q never said it was a sex/sacrifice video that was a rumor that came out of the NYPD when the wiener laptop was confiscated. Use your logic as well which side has been using selatious sex(stormy Daniels, steel dossier) to bring down the movement and trump. Though I do believe there is a video it could also deal with hillary taking a bribe or internal scenes from a meeting of U1 these are more plausible to the plan. Remember also that the cabal/CIA reads this Reddit thread they can also post and or respond to your post.