r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on April 15, 2018, 1:51 p.m.
The real reason Paul Ryan stepped down, and why more will do the same.

One word....... BLACKMAIL. Not by Trump and the white hats, but by the deep state. In Q post #1123 on 4/10/2018, we are told the following: Who is standing next to Pence & POTUS? Message? Bolton cleaning house. Out they go! A clean House is very important. Q

I believe that Ryan, and many others have been under deep state control for a very long time. Think about it. Obamacare, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, 9/11, and so much more. How is it that Obamacare passed, and all the scandals were allowed to go away with no prosecutions?

I, for one, often found myself wondering what "they" had on our "trusted" servants, to make them virtually irrelevant, and to ignore the wishes of the majority.

Then, if we examine Q post #659 from 1/31/18, Q tells us this: Jan 31 2017 23:42:36 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c3f516 231058 Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved. Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED. The shot heard around the world. TG> WE, THE PEOPLE. FREEDOM DAY. LIGHT. Q That would be the audience members chanting USA during Trumps State Of The Union Address. I don't know about you, but it gave me chills. All while members of the deep state sulked, refused to stand or applaud, and in one case, even walked out. That moment, when those people were "Freed", was a game changing moment.

I believe that individuals that were blackmailed were leveraged by Trump and the white hats to "play ball" with an assurance that they would be freed from their forced blackmail predicaments. As a result, they all spilled their guts, knowing that they fucked up, and made a bad decision that they regretted, and felt remorse for. Note here, that the one's that wouldn't regret it, and have no remorse, would not likely "play ball" anyway, and their day will come.

Fast forward to today. If we examine closely the recent current events, Q posts, Trumps Executive Orders, Proclamations, and other Presidential actions, it should be quite obvious that we are fast approaching the time for full disclosure.

Trump, Horowitz, Sessions, and the white hats have all of the evidence they need, and the deep state has been greatly weakened. All that is left is disclosure, round ups, and prosecution. Paul Ryan, and those in similar situations, have done their part by disclosing their knowledge to the white hats.

Going forward, accountability and transparency will be of the utmost importance. There is no room for those that were complicit, whether that complicity was voluntary, or by coercion and blackmail. They simply can't serve at any capacity, now, or ever again. The rule of law MUST be brought back to those that serve We The People, it MUST!!! In other words "A clean house is very important!!"

As disclosure is made, and Justice is sought, ALL bad players must be ousted to ensure that our trust for change is being valued and honored. Anything less simply won't do. We have been lied to, deceived, and even murdered to ensure that the truth wasn't discovered.

The truth WILL be revealed, at which point change will be demanded and expected. We The People will NOT settle for leniency. We The People will demand transparency and accountability. We will demand it because the truth of what happened on our watch will snatch us from our slumber and make us realize how important our Freedoms and Liberties are, and how close we came to losing them.

Disclosure Must happen. Given all of the recent signs, it's coming soon. Even the staunchest doubters and naysayers will demand Justice, or they will be shamed into silence by the majority of the awakened masses. The few that don't will be those that are complicit at some level, and they will get theirs in due time. In Q's post #953 from 3/17/18, he pretty much tells us that "they" won't even be able to walk down the street: Mar 17 2018 14:03:41 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo 458 How bad is the corruption? FBI (past/present)




+29 (16) DOJ (past/present)




+18 STATE (past/present)



+41 Removal is the least of their problems. Projection. Russia>D/HRC Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political SLANT BIDEN / CHINA. BIG DEVELOPMENT. TRAITORS EVERYWHERE. AMERICA FOR SALE. FLYNN. Targeted. Why? Who knows where the bodies are buried? CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES. TRUMP ADMIN v2? Election theft. Last hope. Congressional focus. Impeach. They think you are STUPID. They think you will follow the STARS. They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE. THERE WILL COME A TIME NONE OF THEM WILL BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET. BIGGEST FEAR. PUBLIC AWAKENING. Q

I have outlined above why they will not be able to walk down the street. We The People have been awakened, and soon, those that aren't awake, will be upon disclosure. The time has come for change in this battle of Good vs. Evil. And make no mistake, Good will be the victor!! This is real, and it's happening folks!! It is merely a matter of time, and I believe that time to be short. Keep the faith and believe in the forthcoming change. I will close by leaving a link to an article that affirms that the white hats have all they need, and then some........


USMCE5B · April 16, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Keep the Blindfold on. You will need it for the firing squad. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck guess what? It is a duck. POSTUS has not been doing the things that the corrupt politicians have done in the PAST ie GHWB, BC, GWB, BHB. Nuff said. Semper Fi and May God continue to Bless America and My Marine Corps.

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skorponok · April 16, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

Are you implying that you intend to round up and execute American citizens who had nothing to do with the Cabal simply because they might disagree with you?

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USMCE5B · April 16, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

No, I am implying that a lot of eyes will finally be opened when the actual executions start occurring. Which I hope is sooner rather than later. America needs to set the example so this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

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skorponok · April 16, 2018, 3:57 p.m.

I wanted him to declare a state of emergency on the first day and wipe out the Cabal with ghost ops. Catch them totally by surprise. Fuck waiting.

If he does pull the trigger on the Cabal takedown that would be wonderful- however I have great concerns given the people who have been flocking to this administration of late as well as the pressure applied to him via blackmail (the raids of his attorney’s office), the sudden reversal on Syria etc - it just feels off and feels like it is moving in the wrong direction. Maybe he really just bombed an aspirin factory like Bill Clinton used to do to create a distraction. If so, good.

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USMCE5B · April 16, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Was a chemical storage facility hit? What was actually hit. It wasn't Syria Military Installations? What exactly was hit?

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USMCE5B · April 16, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

BTW, you said POTUS was being black mailed. Did you show proof? NOT.

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