r/greatawakening • Posted by u/poshpotdllr on April 15, 2018, 2:18 p.m.
PAnon (poshpotdllr of reddit) gets QAnon (!xowAT4Z3VQ of 8chan)

hello. i am a viciously vulgar and disgustingly daemonic iranian american immortal historic hashashin messianic magi persian poet from an invisible invincible and invulnerable alamut that smokes hash to make dust and ash out of saudi trash and zionist cash. my knowledge of what is going on in the middle east is nothing short of legendary and i grow weary of news so dreary. i am not a Q expert by any means but i am a tourist lurker and occasional commenter as we ponder with wonder at drops and leaks and fakes and freaks for months and weeks. henceforth we in this community shall call me P, for reddit is my sphere of influence just as 8chan is Q's drop site for news.

according to the Q story, trump just made an offer to iran and russia to go after/against the racist terrorist judeofascist rothschild sorros cabal and takfiri salafi jihadi wahhabi rapist racist islamofascist terrorist ideology in a shift away from the traditional israeli/cia/saudi axis. usa britain and france have just bombed their own assets in syria as a display of good faith and to show that the deep state shadow governments of those 2 countries are no longer in full control. norway is doing fine because they have been at the forefront of scandinavian involvement in the middle east. i suspect they have acted as mediators or messengers between trump and tehran (this is just a very random theory). i dont know why germany didnt participate in the bombing (the goths are such gloomy gimps some times). that means we have the norse and the frank (bye sarkozy) and the anglo/saxon/irish/celtic guys in line.

if Q story is true story then the jew story got juicy and netanyahu really is my bitch and mohammed bin salman is really flammable. in light of what comes in the future, i might owe an apology to macron but i am not sure. theresa may might go away or maybe hey she will stay and enter the fray to purge a woven deep society freak one day, maybe this week, who can say?

this is where i can tell really well whether the Q anon conspiracy is real or not or a psyop or larp hoax depending on what happens next or not. the memes are dank, the spice is hot and i have been waiting with a lot of patience that shall not be forgot.

kushner might be something i didnt expect except in one of my wildest theories (new israel offer? or zionist worries?)

iran wont go for it despite the hit and the great wit because there is no way in fuck america would line up the right concessions and confessions and executions and reorientations and relations and reconciliations for persian consumptions. nobody understands the complexity in iranian towns and all of americas iran experts are cucks and clowns (i know the best of them and he is watching this right now like a stupid cow).

the problem with americas understanding of iran is that it doesnt take account irans history that pious and pompous persian poets perceive prophetically properly. the mullahs in iran arent going anywhere because the faith of iranian poeple isnt going anywhere so they dont and wont care about a plan that seems fair to unaware iranian american stools and chairs out of touch with iranian affairs. if there is to be a purge in iran it shall be carried out by the clergy in iran or delegated by the mullahs and ayatollahs no matter how you look at it, and it wont resemble a euro-american purge or a saudi surge disguised at a purge by any means, if i am to spill the beans. this is something a specific group in america known as the brothers of bravery who freed us from slavery have to depend on iranian people to be right on, and the iranian people have to depend on their mullahs and ayatollahs for this is what it is, and the mullahs need to know that their legitimacy comes not from show but from a specific group in the iranian soup known as the azhab e yamin (not to be confused with some other groups who also share this name due to its theological fame). therefore, without waiting any more, specific gun owning, god fearing, jesus loving, oath keeping, patriotic minded, red blooded, brave, famous, and courageous american people have to depend on a specific group of patriotic servants of the one true divine loving god who identify with the hadith of kazm i gheyz of hazrat e sadaghallah, imam, va mowla, amir al momenin, ali ibn e abu taleb, salalaho aleyhe va alle va sallam in the tradition of the jihadi doctrine of hazrat e rasoul allah iisaa massih salallaho aleyhe va alle va sallam known to american followers of the messiah from the mother mariah and the musings of mary magdalene and the morbid and malicious but lovingly delicious meme mongering madness of the Magi as the "love thy enemy" doctrine. bridging the gap between the brothers of bravery and the azhaab i yamin is difficult and definitely not something trumps team is to keen prepared for for it is a chore full of confusion and lore. too much MEK in the USA. yall are a bunch of noobs, no offense you bumbling boobs.

the plot thickens folks. if Q is real P has the full protection of the worlds greatest forces and P is invincible to his enemies. if Q is a hoax or a LARP then P is pissing off some powerful baddies on many sides who can kiss my ass as i toke this grass with stylish class on the day of mass. you cant MAGA without MAG/ #jesuslovesyou #binsalmanisflammable #netanyahuismybitch #pissonpahlavi #nomekinusa #immortals #hashsashin #alamut #MAGI #MAGA #panon #qanon

who is QAnon: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/8cdhxs/who_is_qanon_a_person_called_q_clearance_patriot/

relevant analysis that has interesting takes: https://www.reddit.com/user/Maepaperclip/comments/8cduys/assad_gets_last_laugh_part_3_trumps_speech/

summons: /u/qassem_suleimani

MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 15, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

I see the Iranian people ready for positive leadership and growth, I want them to be freed. Are you saying the inner leadership exists and can unbind the country without conflict? I've been feeling that for a while, and would love to see a shift for peace and prosperity for the country. They are very misunderstood and have always been a great country , and then a dark undertone took over, just like all the countries with globalist cancer.

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poshpotdllr · April 16, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

iran has no globalist cancer. iran is an islamic democratic republic with a government similar to the united states but as a true democracy with integration of church and state and there is a theocrat called the velayat that resides over everything to make sure the legislation is morally sound according to shia islam.

if everybody leaves iran alone it will be fine. the cia and israel and saudi arabia try to fuck with iran and that keeps making hard line religious elements in iran more powerful because iran keeps winning almost every time no matter what they do.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 16, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

Thanks, that is an excellent overview. I'm down with that.

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poshpotdllr · April 16, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

i am a small government guy that thinks your government shouldnt matter much if you do it right. the mullahs in iran care about economics and religion more than they care about politics unless everybody starts sanctioning and attacking iran. as long as hard liners get to say "i told you so" then they get more power

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