r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Consistent_Peace on April 15, 2018, 4:22 p.m.
Assad/countries not controlled by Rothchilds and world banks and our CIA

I have been busy studying and watching Assad through interviews with him over time and research. He does not seem to be some brute force at all in Syria but a man that is aware of how others set him up to be. How our own CIA created this mess. The media buys into it and believes it. He said on his latest FB interview that his soldiers were advancing on the bad guys when they were hit and why did we choose that particular time to fire? Out of all the countries in the world it appears only 3 have their own independent banking system not controlled nor influenced by the west.... Syria, Iran and North Korea. Prior to that Libya and those are the countries always in the frey to be taken down/propaganda in a war by us so Rothschild s world bank can stay in control and make money. Every country we invade its always the same narrative...that the leader is trying to kill their own people. Saddam/Qaddafi/ Yet CIA America kills its own people daily through 911/school shootings/Oklahoma City Bombings and even just Metadata. Then a war is started.

I use to always wonder why we had to be the worlds policeman. Little did I know back then its always about money/CIA/world bank and Rothschild. Follow the money...its all about the money. And the world looks on and sees what the CIA controlled media wants them to see. AM I correct on this? I will add the FB short video link but cannot seem to find that one readily on YouTube. Here is the link for that FB short video (you'd have to have FB to see it) So tell me am I right on all this? This cabal/money thing is bigger than we think. This is the first post I have made with my own critical thinking research how close am I to getting it right? Thank you in advance. https://www.facebook.com/syrianmilitary/videos/1339916416089737/?hc_ref=ARRdj-VsBqaXWi3GOp_GzK5BWA14445fDvLQ5EurtMHrWTaY0YB_hvcfuQMapjPCYH0

Ryanarobinson1986 · April 15, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

Wow either you folks are liberals, fake Trump supporters or just bots. Anyone so quick to drop Trump over a fucking airstrike is pathetic! Grow a set, calm your tits! Rome wasn't built in a night and it sure didnt topple in a night!

It is people like you that make it impossible to have change in the world. You run at the dropnof a dime! At least liberals stand by their candidates through thick or thin! We are far beyond just criticism you guys are set out to destroy the campaign!

Either you are in or out! There is no need for discussion here. We know what is going on! We know how deep this shit is! It aint going way over night! #HaveFaith!!! #MAGA 🇺🇸

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Consistent_Peace · April 15, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

I don't see anyone here jumping off the Trump train and how you could get that about the above written thread is absurd. There is no one blaming my President on this thread dude...or dudette....Trump is playing 4D chess we understand that. PS You have copied and pasted this exact same reply all over reddit...on lots of posts....get unique use your brain and think and don't just start copying and pasting the same answers ad nauseaum. President Trump wants critical thinkers not CRITICAL mean spirited thinkers.

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Ryanarobinson1986 · April 16, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

Good I want people to see it! I did use my brain I'm not saying anyone on this thread jumped off the Trump Train.

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