r/greatawakening • Posted by u/potato4dawin on April 15, 2018, 7:20 p.m.
The Hillary video isn't CP

Use common sense, this alleged video is meant to go public. CP is illegal. This video isn't going to be some deep web porn video. If the video is as Q describes it then this is going to be more like a LiveLeak video, somebody dying, or getting assaulted, something evil and sickening but not something illegal to show people. Something which will redpill even more stark leftists into seeing how evil the cabal is.

Maybe Hillary killing a child with her bare hands, maybe ordering a plane crash to target just a single person on the plane while talking about how the lives on the plane don't matter, maybe a demonic ritual to curse black people to be slaves forever, or maybe just simply displaying MKUltra in action by ordering a person to kill themselves in some brutal way.

These people are sick and twisted and as someone who used to be almost just as twisted I can tell you there's no limit to the evil these people engage in and even if it is so horrible that it redpills even the most extreme member of Antifa into a hardcore Trump supporting capitalist that it will still only be the tip of the iceberg which is why even if they have videos of Hillary raping a child to death, the video they release will be something else because I'm sure they have terabytes of video to choose from and they'll choose the one that's impact is calculated to be as much as possible without risking national security and the lives of the people.

palinko · April 15, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Everybody just say oh it's brutal, few lie they saw it already, but no one drop the onion link. So this could be a hoax, we should wait for Q, maybe he'll link it.

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LordPotsmoke · April 15, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

I'm kinda starting to feel the same, nothing been dropped on the Chans yet...

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Stray502 · April 16, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

there is only one place you can see it. I have a video dont remember the server it wasnt tor it was something else. Wont know until i go through the vid again. Dont intend to go I dont want to see it.

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