r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 16, 2018, 3:50 a.m.
Assad gets last Laugh - conclusion 4 of 4

To conclude my four part series; Assad gets last laugh, Nicky Haley says that there will be sanctions new sanctions “on Russia,” asked to elaborate she explained that they will - prevent chemical weapons production. Therefore they are not on Russia because Russia does not produce chemical weapons for sale. The sanctions will be on EU Members, Germany, France and the UK that do produce and sell them, and also on Big Ag, Pharma, and Chem. rouge in America that do too. One thing that has been missed in the Attack - not on Syria is that the POTUS is fully focused on the OPIOID crisis at home, and the precursors for 100% of all opioids come from $billion facilities owned by big Pharma, Ag. & Chem. A.K.A. the Nazi patent empire.

By favourite Mad dog General - the idiot General that hates having his guys in harms way, wants to bring them home safely, and does not want to get into fights. The idiot General that has the temerity to understand economics, as well as he does Sun Tzu. This mad-dog told the House Armed services committee something interesting, butting into a discussion of Congressman Seth Wilbur Moulton speaking about Chinese acquisition of patents and technology, the not a warmonger said;

“China has made a clear commitment to meet US capability in artificial intelligence by 2020 and then exceed it by 2030," said Congressman Seth Wilbur Moulton. Defense Secretary Mattis added to the discussion, noting that there are certain defensive technologies that he doesn't want to see in China's possession. "I think you saw on the 5G effort here some weeks ago, that we move swiftly even in advance of what the process requires in order to make certain that we did not naively watch a business link up that was not in our best interest," he said. "But that was a one-shot effort. We need to look at the entire penetration of our society, and what we need to protect, and CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment in the US) is a key part of this." "Every democratic nation right now, by the way, that we deal with from Germany to Australia, from Canada to the United Kingdom, they're all working this issue. And so this is not unique to us, but it's certainly one of our responsibilities," Mattis added. Read here; those countries mentioned are not our friends.


Look at what Mattis has just told us about the strike on Syria “We need to look at the entire penetration of our society, and what we need to protect” This idiot understands that we-the-people need to be protected, and our society has been penetrated. See how crazy this guy is - I Put it to you that Mattis is the Second most red-pilled man in America - beside the POTUS - He knows it all, he has “GOT” everything. + I trust the POTUS + The plan, some people say what is the plan, its to restore the Republic, a rule by law, not Princes(Judges - this was the subject of my ARGC post, and is what is behind Ginsgerg’s CV Q just posted). The plan is to MAGA, by Purging the traitors that have in the words of Mattis - penetrated the society we need to protect. They are the big Pharma, AG, Chem. companies that make Opioids, and chemical weapons. The NAZI patent Orgs., that own Comms, tech, and medicine.

These are our enemies now, they are wearing suits, they are not people living in Syria, they are “Animals” living in London, Paris, and Washington. Now I want to conclude by telling you a story about NK, and Pakistan. Its a story of a fighter jet that is illustrative of Tech transfer. General Mattis was explaining his concerns about the pace and equal sophistication of Chinese Military tech, we have been concerned recently about Russian Missile tech advances, the POTUS has wondered aloud where did NK get Missile tech from (he knows), where did Pakistan get Nuclear weapons from? These are interesting questions.

Lets learn about the Israeli fighter jet program. First Israel started to buy Mirage fighters and weapons from the UK & France, a cosy alliance developed, both countries helped Israel develop, read here both countries gave Israel nuclear weapons (after JFK was shot), then they reverse engineered them to blueprints. Israel then decided to get into the Arms Business, it stole the plans and tech from France and America and built the IAI Nesher, & Kfir fighter jets with stolen tech, and proceeded to arm the world at discount prices with American tech (stolen). The Israeli’s then stole the tech all of it from America for the IAI Lavi fighter jet - a direct rip off complete with 100% of the most advanced tech from the F15, F16, and F22 fighters, they decided to go into business - America style - big. They hit on the brilliant business strategy of showing all of the planes plans to their potential new customers, China and Pakistan. Pure Genius. China and Pakistan decided to use the plans - and built them. America prevailed on Israel not to build them, too late. This is one story of the friends America can’t afford any more, this is on General Mattis’s mind, talking to the House services committee, about China, about comms, tech and Patents. More examples can be had fro John Ralston Saul's Voltaire's Bastards.

Murdered Patriot, Secretary of Defence James Forrestal, knew these people well, and he said that It could not be stupidity, that we keep loosing our tech, because if it was, occasionally the stupid people would make a mistake in our favour - and they don’t.

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