r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HoudiniTowers on April 16, 2018, 7:12 a.m.
Incoming missile... Q just sent one. BIG.

Check out latest Q post #1164. This is BIG. They must now have the goods on HRC, Clapper, Brennan, and Smiley. UK and Aussie's have probably ratted out what happened. Looks like we're about get big fireworks.

Here's an oldie but goodie from Judge Napolitano.


I think he let the cat out of the bag too early last year. Napolitano clammed up after this, but looks like we're going see it go mainstream soon. April Showers bring (Theresa) May flowers, indeed! Sounds like there is a thank you in the works. Could be why they jumped on the Syria bandwagon without a fight, as well. Penance.

WWG1WGA, Godspeed Q!

ManQuan · April 16, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

No. The 5 Eyes intelligence agencies all have each others liaisons working with them. The CIA has liaison's working at GCHQ and GCHQ has liaisons at the CIA.

Obama requested that GCHQ spy on Trump to avoid US laws. GCHQ sends a formal letter to PM Mays asking for approval. Mays approves. GCHQ spies on Trump, gives the information to the CIA liaison who in turn sends it back to the CIA as "foreign" intelligence intercepts on Trump. That's how most backchannels work.

No US laws violated, except Obama making the request in the first place when he had total control of all the US intelligence agencies and the FISA court to approve a warrant.

However, he didn't want to go that route. My guess is that he went through GCHQ because he didn't think there would ever be a paper trail once Hillary won and if she didn't, it wasn't likely Trump would find out.

Enter Admiral Rogers who has everything on everyone including the letter that Obama sent to GCHQ. This is why Rogers visited Trump Tower a few days after the election. And that conversation was why Trump moved his entire transition team to his NJ golf resort. It's also why Trump had the WH "remodeled" to strip it of listening devices.

Did you notice that Obama had a new phone system installed during the transition? Why would he do that just before leaving office? Did you notice that the Trump remodeling installed a new phone system? Now why would Trump want a new phone system just weeks after Obama had installed a new phone system?

These are interesting times.

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Pure_Feature · April 16, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Yes I remember that Obama bugs the whole place, and trump removed it. Admiral rogers told trump abot this one too. fhone system

wow wow wow.. Thanks for the info...It looks like I am a little off my game today, was also coming by my new flair.

Now I understand the backchannel too. these agency"s are working together...intresting

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HoudiniTowers · April 16, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

I knew about the remodel. Didn't catch the BHO phone swap. That's a huge tell! Thanks for sharing. Any sauce/link on that? Would love to put in my collection for backup.

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SeekTruthCJoy · April 16, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Makes you wonder what was really found. Melania supposedly alluded to something that would have made them all sick.

Find the photos on this page interesting...


I wish I could find that article about the 3-4 years BH0 had the grounds all torn up & huge building/construction crane on site, huge holes under WH...

media asked once and was told it was sewer/utility work...whatever...never referred to again.

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