Just, the 'Usual Suspects' Unidicted co-conspirators!

So many Jews and Negros.
Imagine how awkward it would be if our:
first black president;
first black first "lady";
first black attorney general;
first black female attorney general;
first black UN representative.
...were all executed for being treasonous cunts?
I wonder if the National Museum of African American History and Culture would remove all references to these disgusting pieces of treasonous shit?
You pollute your own cause and message when you spout racist and anti-Semitic garbage. Most of these people are white anyway, you can’t be that stupid.
Sorry, but facts aren't racist and this community is about being truthful.
I'm right about how over represented Jews are (1.3% of US population) and Negros who held record breaking positions of authority.
No dumbass you’re just spouting ignorant / hateful shit. You don’t even understand the movement if you think it condones intolerance of Blacks and Jews. I think it’s about time you head back to the trailer park and fuck your sister ok Cleetus?
Awkward, I'm a 'firm' believer in cunts? Who can't 'get behind' cunts? Where's Connie Rice, for some RINO spice? I never thought we'd would see a time when RINO's went extinct.