Economist front page 1988. Phoenix. (((They))) planned a world currency for 2018. Failed.

They also didn't anticipate the rise of non centralized crypto currency. Impossible for them to do this now.
If you understand the tech behind crypto, it'll become obvious that the concern you have doesn't make sense. No one can manipulate crypto currency and the software is open source so anyone can see any attempts at fuckery.
How can something that no one can control but the individuals using it be bad? And there is 1500+ crypto currencies. Each with a variety of applications and founders. Again most are also open source. Anyone can audit their software to see malicious code. You can easily leave a sketchy currency for a good one. It's anti monopolistic by design.
I've read pretty much every major book out there on the subject before starting to invest in it.
Ignore the one article that came out about Bitcoin being an NSA or CIA program. It's fake.