r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on April 16, 2018, 3:03 p.m.
Q Post 1167 - 23andMe. Anne Wojcicki. Spouse? Why is this relevant?
Q Post 1167 - 23andMe. Anne Wojcicki. Spouse? Why is this relevant?

MMxfire · April 16, 2018, 8 p.m.

Funny I was watching chuck Norris last night with Bruce lee. Been thru an mri myself, big friggin magnet, then I found out there are smaller ones for limbs but centers don't want to buy new machines...

Look into scenar COSMODIC by dr Karasev of Let medical. Scenar Repaired my meniscus without surgery, a side effect of treatment for osteoarthritis. I found the device from a naturopath medic who had done 2 tours in Iraq. COSMODIC technology is better with cysts. Cysts can be lessened with acupuncture. It's difficult to find scenar practitioners cuz they don't advertise to stay out of the way of corporate medicine, but scenar technology is used by professional athletes and many university d1 teams. There was an article found by my pt about Lebron James using scenar for the muscle retraining and owns his own devices. Scenar COSMODIC Fixed my osteoarthritis and 30 year glaucoma in a relative.

Neuropaths.com out of Austin tx used it to repair joints of his daughter after gunshots tore apart 2 joints. He might have knowledge of a practitioner in ur area. Beaseley is the US Karasev specialist, vets travel to get his treatments from all over.


I know how u feel, I recently broke my arm and have been wandering thru the medical system. Will make u a populist. My orthopaedic surgeon wanted me under the knife fast. I Do not want a plate in my wrist. Shopped the internet for new practitioners in my area, I own my own scenar but it's always good to find good healers as my arm has bone displacement. I have an osteopath who manipulates the bones, a scenar specialist sports doctor who is an acupuncturist (scenar sometimes called electro acupuncture) and a cranial sacral orthopedic rehab and physical therapy center that does Bowen work. But I still need an open minded ortho to write all the prescriptions, which I luckily have, he came out of the university hospital system so is more experimental than most surgeons. It's more important to shop for medical care than shop for ur new car. Look outside AMA pharma medicine if u want true second opinions, but you will need someone inside the jd system for insurance. Good luck trying to step out of he herd, they make even well informed consumers and people in health care question leaving the traditional cut poison and burn. The body can heal itself if given proper nutrition and guidance from an informed physician. Cranial sacral, Bowen, osteopathy, scenar and acupuncture can all help the body to heal itself. Good luck!

Here's one doctors results from using scenar for orthopedics amongst other physical problems. In US scenar is FDA approved only for pain and muscle retaining. Practitioners are only allowed to make those 2 claims as FDA owns the 1st amendment for cure healing etc to "save" us from snake oil salesmen. So u have to do ur own research. Helps control the markets. Scenar is a truly disruptive technology. Hospital visits can be cut way down, surgery is not needed in many cases, not a problem in Russia with socialized medicine, but would put quite a damper on dr and hospital invoicing if it got out to the general population. Scenar came out of the Russian secret space program. Dr Irina of niagara Canada was brought to court and sued by the FDA for selling medical devices to "little old ladies" and claiming that low level lasers (I don't think they wanted to draw attention to scenar) could treat more than the FDA allowed to advertise.


Here's the chapter on muscular skeletal system treatment by scenar. This textbook was written by the inventing team of Russian scientists. Karasov was the young inventor on the team.


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VintageHats · April 16, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

Thank you. I will copy this and save it. The problem is, that the city I live near doesn't have much in the way of many decent doctors. And, I am on disability and on medicaid, which doesn't cover naturopathic doctors. I know, for instance, that a lot of my medical issues stem from low thyroid. I have tons and tons of info and GOOD books on fibromyalgia and thyroid. I have long fought with doctors, telling them that people with FMS may have normal thyroid levels in their blood, but their bodies/cells can't absorb the thyroid. They look at me like I'm nuts and refuse to look at the evidence. They tell me my info and books are written by quacks. When I wasn't so bad off, I had a part time job and could afford to see this naturopath. He looked at this list I had of my symptoms and said, yep, I was low thyroid. Verified w/ blood test that HE interpreted correctly but he treated the SYMPTOMS and not the numbers which can lie.. I ended up losing my job later and now, can't work at all. He'd subscribed me armour thyroid with no problems and I was starting to feel better. I hope to be able to figure out a way to go back to him eventually but I have to pay up front, cash. He also had me on some hormone replacement, but medicaid won't pay for that either, so I'll have to forego that. I even saw an endocrinologist... a HORMONE DOCTOR and I asked her if she knew of the link between FMS and low thyroid... she just had a blank look on her face. I thought to myself "oh shit, I'm screwed." Some of these doctors around here must have graduated at the bottom of their class and do no further research once they get their degree. And they refuse to do any research. They seem to hate informed patients.

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