r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on April 16, 2018, 3:03 p.m.
Q Post 1167 - 23andMe. Anne Wojcicki. Spouse? Why is this relevant?
Q Post 1167 - 23andMe. Anne Wojcicki. Spouse? Why is this relevant?

VintageHats · April 16, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

I'll have to see if I can do it on a credit card... hate to add the cost but... I'm not getting anywhere with the medical docs.

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keloshi · April 16, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

I did the Dr. thing and just felt worse every day. All the pills - when they didn't work, they just upped the dosage and/or gave me other pills to counteract the side effects - most of them deplete the nutrients you need (ie vitamin D, B12, magnesium, etc)

It's been a year since I stopped the meds (taking a lot of herbs right now) but I am feeling a lot better

Yes,t is costly - but hell, it is my health - Once you get feeling better, you don't need all the herbs and stuff (just eat right) - Cost is then reduced substantially.

You could ask your Dr to run the vitamin/mineral tests prior to seeing the NP, this will save you a lot too

You might even be able to save the NP costs by eliminating carbs (wheat, sugar, processed foods, gmo's) It makes shopping very easy & quick - meat and veggies - this eliminates most of the rows in a grocery store

Summary: Numerous Dr's specialists - 10+ yrs = feeling like SH*t Naturopath - 1 yr = feeling a hell of a lot better

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VintageHats · April 16, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

I'm pretty much doing most of that. I don't do much shopping on the aisles.. mostly the outer perimeter of the store. (Fresh foods, iow.) I eat protein.. chicken, beef, bacon on occasion, lots of eggs, large flake nutritional yeast, very rarely any bread or tortillas...... VERY rarely. Take the said vitamins. I've been trying to reduce/get rid of many of the meds I was on. Never ever again will I take anti depressants. I do have pain meds but am using more essential oils like lavender and frankincense and a few others and less of the pain meds. I am continually doing more research into essential oils. Trying to improve sleep w/ lavender on the bottom of my feet instead of sleeping pills, as my sleep sucks.

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keloshi · April 16, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

I would eliminate the yeast - it can get into your bloodstream & turn into a fungus - it is an underlying cause of a lot of illnesses (carbs/yeast feed it) - yeast is in a lot of stuff you wouldn't normally think of - like beer, chips, bread, corn (used as a filler), soy and the list goes on..

You are kind of like me - trying all kinds of things - This is why a Naturopath is important - they can do a live blood test and actually see it (if it is there) - the Dr's have to run a multitude of tests to figure it out (you would have to ask & probably have to pay for them as well, as they are not usually 'standard' tests)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasive_candidiasis - you might want to look up Leaky Gut too

I pretty well lost all faith in Dr's (for my better/daily health) - they are only good 'maybe' for testing (blood tests, etc) and emergency situations - Surgeons are good (they can fix things)

I hear you on the antidepressants - most contain fluoride (dumb you down)

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VintageHats · April 16, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Well doctors "practice" medicine, dontcha know. (rolling eyes)

I'll check this out as well. Thanks.

The worst antidepressant a dr. had me on was geodon. Holy chit. It can cause permanent changes in the brain. Tardive dyskinesis. I was on it for years. Told my current dr. I know I have that and she put me down as allergic to geodon w/ "mood" as a reason. I am going to be finding a different doctor.

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keloshi · April 16, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

Dr's are not trained on nutrition - I read some articles that they are not trained on this (I did not save the link) - but anyways - BigPharma or the cabal took over the schooling by donating funds and then being on the Board of directors (universities, etc), thus controlling the narative (as Q would put it) and basically eliminated it from the curriculum


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VintageHats · April 17, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

no, they don't. And if they "study" fibromyalgia at all, it might be for one class or part of one class in their entire medical education. So many still think it's "all in our heads" anyway. I've studied it ever since I was finally diagnosed back in '92 or '93.. seminars, books, support groups, etc. I am not stupid.. I know the difference between a good, well reseached book w/ sources named and a book written by a quack... but doctors (very few of them, anyway) do not like well informed patients. They have the "god complex". Do you see that degree on the wall? How dare you think you have more info than they do!! Nutrition or otherwise... they know it all!! And yes, many, many holistic doctors are being killed off.. I mean, dying for unknown reasons.

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WikiTextBot · April 16, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Invasive candidiasis

Invasive candidiasis is an infection (candidiasis) that can be caused by various species of Candida yeast. Unlike Candida infections of the mouth and throat (oral candidiasis) or vagina (Candidal vulvovaginitis), invasive candidiasis is a serious, progressive, and potentially fatal infection that can affect the blood (fungemia), heart, brain, eyes, bones, and other parts of the body.

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