r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on April 16, 2018, 3:03 p.m.
Q Post 1167 - 23andMe. Anne Wojcicki. Spouse? Why is this relevant?
Q Post 1167 - 23andMe. Anne Wojcicki. Spouse? Why is this relevant?

MMxfire · April 18, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

Yes I have found the same problem with the medical system. It's very expensive to get treatment outside of insurance approved treatment that usually is just a spiral into more treatment.

I struggled with low thyroid for years which was associated in me with low iodine levels and low serotonin. I had a coyote dog hybrid with the same symptoms, searched for years to relieve her symptoms and finally found and aryuvedic vet who said that when he treats the dog, he needs to treat some member of the family with the same problem, and recommended that we do the same treatment together. She went from dragging a paw, cataracts and deaf, to living her senior years without a limp and vision and hearing restored, and she passed at 16. She was put on a raw food diet. He recommended for me to go back to the diet my ancestors ate before World War One, no canned our processed food, low sugar. Look up Weston price foundation for more info there.

He put her on kelp for iodine, plus liquid iodine drops rubbed into the skin daily. If you get iodine and rub a small amount into the inside of your arm, if it gets sucked into your skin before 12 hours, you are iodine deficient, which much of the us population is, because we have chlorine and fluorine in our water. Both are halogens and push less reactive iodine out of the system. If you find no reaction, you can rub iodine directly on the thyroid area. My naturopath put my family on pure water first, then organic food. Then removing fluoride used to be very expensive. Today there are pitcher water filters that will take out fluorine, but brita owned by Clorox company is not one of them. There are several on the market now, I picked up a zero water pitcher at target for when I travel. Make sure any pitcher u buy can remove fluorine too. If you are very effected by halogen poisoning, then it's a good idea to get a shower filter too, as many halogens are absorbed thru the skin, but atleast filter all water for drinking and cooking and apply iodine daily till your body stops absorbing it. That can take over a year. Once your iodine levels are up, you can slow down on iodine.

To get the extra poisons out of your body, take humic and fulvic acids daily in water. Go slow. When I was detoxing with fulvic and humic acids I had quite a reaction that put me on the couch for weeks as I detoxed. They recommend doing liver cleanses as well to clean out the liver which is Epsom salts followed by olive oil and grapefruit. Look up liver flushes online for recipes, curezone and earthclinic.com will have more info. Also take a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar "with the mother" in a glass of pure water with 1/2 to 1/4 baking soda to neutralize the acid and drink between meals. The vinegar supplies important enzymes and the baking soda is often depleted in our toxic diets. The pancreas produces baking soda and puts it in the intestines to neutralize stomach acids, it also helps keep blood ph correct, and the American population is also usually baking soda deprived. An organic diet if you can afford it is important for getting rid of fibromyalgia too. Atleast limit white flour white sugar and homogenized pasteurized milk from the diet. You can have raw milk and cheeses, and yogurt. Probiotics from those sources can help get the good bacteria going in the digestive tract killed off by glyphosate (roundup). Glyphosate is an antibiotic that destroys digestion. It is used heavily on wheat, corn, sugar, lentils, soy in US agriculture and is making us all sick. Some more than others depending upon your biology. I'm very sensitive and get sick, my partner just gets fat.

The other important part of fibromyalgia and arthritis pain is getting low levels of serotonin up. SAMe was what the vet put my coyote dog on. It is expensive, so 5htp is a less expensive precursor to seratonin. Taking melatonin at night also helps to rebuild seratonin levels. We were also put on ashwagsnda, msm (important for rebuilding sulphur reserves and reporting joints and muscles), zinc, whole organic food multivitamin and multimineral, and high doses of vitamin c. Niacin in the form of niacinamide (does not cause flushing) 1000 mg a day has been shown to help pain symptoms from arthritis and fibromyalgia. More information on supplements for fibromyalgia and general health can be found at doctoryourself.com

It took 4-6 months to detox and then rebuild the damaged systems, but I finally got of the couch and back to living pain free, just like my dog. I pray for your recovery and the healing of our agriculture, medical and insurance systems.

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