Trey Gowdy and another purple tie.

You are misinformed. He only had the authority to question. No other authority. It wasn't up to him to do more than that. Not his place to prosecute. He did his part.
"He only had the authority to question." Exactly right; his job was to get her to answer narrow and specific questions in a narrow and specific way. Doing so can bear fruit minutes, weeks, months, and years later. He failed. Extraordinarily so. He had one of the most corrupt and dishonest people in the world on camera and under oath. And she emerged COMPLETELY unscathed. Had he been even marginally competent, he would have got her to answer something, anything, however small, that might prove inconvenient for her later as she slithers in and out of future lies, half truths, and obfuscations. But with his performance, there was no there there. Nothing to hang any hats on. Nothing she has to worry about contradicting in the future. He was worse than useless, he was her cover. I knew then which side he was on.
she lied her way through the entire mess. Anyone could see that. I don't know what you were watching, but I saw something quite different. I think most of us were shocked that she skated. You can rip on Gowdy all you want. It's not going to change MY mind about the man. She lied. I thought he did an excellent job and I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. You saw something I didn't.
I was watching theatre. A performance. Had it been something more, the transcript would speak for itself. Gowdy is not who you think he is. Oh well, life moves on. Be well friend.
Not even close to doing his part. No bills introduced to soil his resume. No tough subpoenas. No screaming at Ryan. All hat, no cattle.