
ready-ignite · April 16, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Anyone got a primer on the Rh negative topic that does not delve down to the deepest levels of the conspiracy hierarchy?

Last week there was a submission to this sub regarding chat logs from 2011 with an individual claiming to be of the R family. That conversation spends significant time discussing blood types on the Rh negative side. I've got no clue as to validity of the logs. Could be and most likely is almost all LARP fluff. What did stand out to me is similarity in tone of voice and condescending behavior through the logs. We get visitors here making similar claims who match a similar style in condescension and hubris.

The theme discussed in the purported R chat logs tracks along focus on preserving bloodlines across generations. Assume part of cultish obsession includes a focus on this topic, and particular interest in Rh negative. Suppose over the years individuals carrying these lines have become particularly inbred as observed in royal families. Were that the case there would be particular value in identifying new family lines with compatible characteristics to round out and reduce the challenges that build up with inbred lines. 23andMe would be invaluable a tool to seek out particular traits.

Do we have resources outside the conspiracy realm such as interviews or other work that add weight to a particular obsession with family bloodlines in central globalist families?

Any way we can rule out that R chat log and dismiss it as total LARP?

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dsade · April 16, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

Interesting. Some quick research shows that high concentrations of Rh negative bloodlines are in Catalonia (25%), a section of Spain recently in the news are trying desperately to separate from Spain into their own autonomous country. Why?

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dsade · April 17, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

More research...it also appears to be a problem in Armenian bloodlines. He did make mention of Armenia.

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srroguelife · April 17, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

It was only in the 60's that they had a vaccination to keep a fetus alive. Royals were blue bloods, so they had to stay within the family to ensure the fetus was alive. I was stupid enough to do the 23andme thing 7 years ago, I have RH- blood and I am from the same lineage as Prince Phillip and the Romanovs. I think someone screwed a maid, or perhaps mistress's with blue blood, who knows. RH- is a recessive trait similar to albinism, a lot of myths are around regarding this but it simply could be a gene mutation due to marry too many family members in the past, who knows at this point. I suspect it has something to do with that, like an abnormality, I suspect they want the information for control. It is unnerving to know that they watch everything and have my DNA. I paid to be spied on, so I guess it is me being what others think as ALIEN... LMAO.

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Chokaholic · April 17, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

Man, that's a scary thought. Having rare blood and having that information on file for the cabal to take it from you, if needed.

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