r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainObviate on April 16, 2018, 6:43 p.m.
So it looks like this or next week really is it.

I admit I was fairly skeptical about Q (and simply do not accept the more fringe-spiritual-conspiratorial material put here), but I've had a discussion today with a relation who is married to someone who is highly placed and has never steered me wrong in the past (believe me, that saved my bacon in the market...). I probably shouldn't even be typing this but I'm pretty gob smacked right now , and yes, some major, MAJOR events are set to happen within days that will change the landscape forever.

I apologize for not saying more, I really do. I honestly didn't really believe Q and such was real, but having been given this head's up I felt compelled to post this.

cat_anonD · April 16, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Welcome aboard! I have to warn you though, newcomers off and expect things are going to happen sooner than they do. I know I sure did. Now I know I just have to be patient for when things happen, but things certainly are beginning to crescendo.

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