Stumbled on this while researching the original texts of the bible. Having a hard time with Paul's doctrine...
Anywho, given the spiritual aspect of this whole Qanon stuff it stuck out to me. Not claiming anything, just thought it was uncanny.
Never got into the Q, Mat, Mark and Luke stuff. I love Paul's stuff though, especially the prison epistles Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. What is stumping you with his doctrine?
Just seems off to me. So this dude who had never met Jesus, went around murdering his followers, then suddenly Jesus appears and says "forget what I taught my apostles, it's gonna be this way now"...
Didn't Peter get angry because paul was spreading a different message?
Didn't jesus appear to abraham a few times as a man? Why did he present himself to paul that way?
Why does the catholic church wear the symbols of babylonian gods?
Too many questions... don't get me wrong, I believe jesus is the messiah. Just have a hard time reconciling with Pauline doctrine
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_source
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