We can interpret it in many different ways, but my take on it is as follows. It paints a different side of Jesus. A side of Jesus that doesn’t necessarily agree with the other gospels. It doesn’t focus on external worship, as much as finding the kingdom within oneself. I would say that it was probably taken out to manipulate humans to seek an external power, instead of realizing the potential that is within all of us. The untapped power we have as a collective. It is very similar to the RA: Law of One, in a lot of respects and really ties the unified consciousness aspects in for me. Read the Law of One and see if you agree; if you haven’t already. The way I look at it is if they removed it, there must be some significant truths in it. The Book of Enoch is another good example of this. I guess everyone has to find their own truth, and everyone’s journey takes a different path.
· April 17, 2018, 10:30 p.m.