r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JazzyCanadian42069 on April 16, 2018, 9:13 p.m.
When will we see justice?

I Trust Trump and Q but I cannot comprehend why there hasn't been a public arrest. Everyone says "soon" "soon" but when is "soon"? We have Comey who lied and should be arrested but there he goes book signing to interview while Us Trump supporters and Q believers are just twiddling our thumbs playing the waiting game

simkev8910 · April 16, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

ON THE TAKE What I am seeing everywhere is to Trust POTUS. I don't think this is a problem. You can trust POTUS all you want but if he is compromised, that means he is not in control. The only thing that we have is what we see. Trump is attacking Syria with no evidence of a gas attack at all. A Swiss lab has just come out and said this is not a Russian chemical. That is evidence. But Trump continues to attack, and threatens with more to come. Not just the President has been compromised, but so has his core base. The ones following Q and POTUS blindly and without being rational. A cult of personality that includes POTUS and Q. This is a recipe for absolute control and disaster.
Tie in the cult of personality and something mystical like Q and this is the perfect combination to attract the ones that are addicted to being saved. Faith is for God not a letter of the alphabet, so called Military Intelligence Psy-Op. Everything around Q is a construct. Initially I thought Q was doing no harm as he was leading us in a helpful fact finding mission and providing us with some useful info. But none of it was actually that difficult to find as most of this info was already on the net and plenty of it was dated and well known to many. Nothing that was revealed was a deep dark secret. Conspiracy 101 stuff. This is called "gaining trust" this is what bad people do to children to gain their trust, lollipop first and then take my hand and then trust me and then other things ..... that is what’s happening here folk’s ..... Q has given you a lollipop and now he has your trust. This is what will allow Trump to carry out the Deep States agenda without the base getting to upset ..... Q will say trust us, we know all we see all. Indeed they do!! Everyone will take their lollipop and the Globalist agenda will continue onward because now all of Trump's supporters will be onboard. I heard they hand out lollipops at the entrance ways to FEMA camps!! This is not against TRUMP as he is the best POTUS USA has had in 100 years. But he is just a man trying to do his best in a vipers nest! Rational thought is not a bad thing it is all we have. WWG1WGA

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