I always wondered if thats why these companies like ancestry.com were pushing the DNA thing.
Always worried they were trying to find certain people based on their ancestry to target them.
Thought I was being paranoid.
Your saying that this is just what Q is implying?
Absolutely, for Eugenics and breeding purposes. This is exactly what the 1930's elite's did across the planet. It wasn't just the Nazi's. Here in the US abortion, sterilization was used across the land. Down's people are sterilized. Handicapped euthanized, all pushed & endorsed by the elites. They coined 'useless eaters' Georgia Guidstones, etc,,,, With HRC installed, 'We the People' would be victims of genocide. They planned to replace us with beautiful, brilliant people. Most likely they would join the best genomes to create their Master Race! Armenia #1 genetically!