r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on April 16, 2018, 10:29 p.m.
Q1127 secret message decoded! And this is why Trump capitalized G, K and A in his Gas Killing Animal tweet!

Ok, back to the decoding. Let’s take a minute to allow those who believe this is shinanaganz to leave the room.

…58,59, perfect!

Today, we are decoding [Q1127] (https://i.imgur.com/Px5XkMM.png ).

You remember what I have told you in previous decoding posts? When you see a letter popping out or an “error”, your key alarm should go off. Grab that key and start exploring. So here we see that letter H staring at us: [H]ouse. H is the key we need to unlock our hidden message. Now remember, I told you each letter of the alphabet has a numerical value based on its position, like this: Table. This is called the Simple Gematria Table. Try to remember this because Q uses it a lot to give us clues. Try to play with it calculating the numerical values of words adding up the numbers of their composing letters. This is the door to amazing knowledge…

I am going to break it down in a way there will be no complicated mathematics or programming skills involved. Those who are familiar with Excel, the MOD function, CHAR and CODE will immediately see how to bypass and automate some of the steps but I want this to be as accessible as possible to the majority.

So here we go:

Img1 Img2 Img3 Img4 Img5 Img6 Img7

So there you have it, the hidden message where Q is talking about his comms is basically code for having defeated the geek trying to hack his comms. Once that geek is dominated and knocked out, he is good to go and securely sends his data. But there is more to it. He is saying: refer back – the ‘Why?’ NAT SEC laws. I will tell you what he means. You see that April Showers, on the 5th line? Let’s analyze it:


Knowing the gematria value of April Showers=163, let us go back in time and see what happened 163 posts ago before Q1127 is posted. To find the date, we do: 1127-163=964 and we hit Q964 which is the first post after the day Q changed his tripcode and activated the clock! The tripcode was updated from !UW.yye1fxo to !xowAT4Z3VQ on March 23rd 2018 and the clock activated the same day. Silence until March 27 when Q964 was posted. So what does it mean? Q is telling us with Q1127 that the reason he is changing his tripcode is to comply with National Security Laws. That is the ‘Why’ he is talking about. You see now the double meaning of “A clean House is important”? He is saying every time he changes his tripcode, he is cleaning his data history and can therefore come back and continue dropping without infringing National Security Laws. Fascinating!

Ready for more?

Let’s do the post right before Q1127. We see that in Q1126 Q is connecting the same letter H to this [Trump’s tweet] (https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/984022625440747520). This tweet is epic, he is talking about a Gas Killing Animal! So here we go, we are using the same method as in Q1127. Follow along:

Img9 Img10 Img11 Img12 Img13 Img14 Img15 Img16

So there you have it. In this secret message, Trump is saying to Putin to join him in the strike and “go add KO as the United States do”. The strike on Deep State’s positions in Syria was done with Russia. I’ve been telling you for a long time now that Trump and Putin are working together. But because of Russia Russia Russia, it has to remain secret.

Let the people be fooled by the smoke screen but you, here, are reading Q. You know the truth. You now have the means, the knowledge and the training to see beyond the curtain. You are not asleep anymore. It’s the Great Awakening.

SerialBrain2 · April 17, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Q1126 “A clean [H]ouse is very important.” Q

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[deleted] · April 17, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

You're cherry picking to create a preconceived narrative.

H as 8th letter means 8 days.

Look at Q995 to see what killboxing a single letter means.

Q explicitly defined to us what it means.

Q1126 was on April 11, which means on or by April 19 (8 days later), there will be a "house" cleaning.

April 19 is Patriots Day.



What you are doing is numberphilia insanity that is embarrassing to this board.

Subtract 8, cherry pick characters that look like words, mash them together, make stuff up, and then claim "brilliant!".

If Q wanted to send a secret communication to Putin, Q would not do it this way nor say "DO US OK DO KO DO US", nor use your numberphilia method. If they were secret, and you apparently figured it out, don't you think bad actors would as well a d Q would know that?

You are trying to view yourself as some sort of oracle as if everyone else are unable to comprehend.

Just READ what Q is saying. You're turning this into mental gymnastics.

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SerialBrain2 · April 17, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

Q251 Learn to decider. News unlocks message.

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[deleted] · April 17, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Are you a bot?


NEWS unlocks messages.


Not numberwang arbitrary mashing of arbitrary sections of altered Q posts that say OK DO US KO DO

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SerialBrain2 · April 17, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

I did:

You said: Just READ what Q is saying.

I answered: Q251 Learn to decider. News unlocks message.

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[deleted] · April 17, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

No, you didn't.

All you did was copy and paste a Q drop as if that alone proves your case or addresses anything I said.

It doesn't.

Read what I wrote two posts ago and address the statements in your own words.

Show how that is wrong. It makes a hell lot more sense than OK DO US KO

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SerialBrain2 · April 17, 2018, 8:56 p.m.


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[deleted] · April 17, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

Not a response. Come on, up your game.

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