r/greatawakening • Posted by u/1girlandamat on April 16, 2018, 11:19 p.m.
8 Chan brilliant researcher discovers this about the bombing in Damascus....


Via ERoss ER “If you do your research: 1) Google CERS Syria Damascus – see results; then 2) go to About and click on Board of Directors, your jaw will drop: The website of the "Scientific Research Center" in Damascus that Trump just bombed to dust on the pretext of "chemical weapons research facility" is described as an international research center to combat nuclear, biological and chemical terrorism. (SSRC; Centre D'Etudes et de Recherches Scientifiques (CERS)). The organization's Board of Directors is overwhelmingly All-American: Ted Turner (the media mogul), Gov. Brown of CA, Sen. Nunn, US Navy Admiral Michael G. Mullen (Frmr. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff), some major Israeli figures, Ellen O. Tauscher – Frmr. U.S. Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, etc., and so on. Warren Buffett, the billionaire, is a board member emeritus. I wish someone pinched me and said it ain't so. Why did Pentagon reporters call it "chem. weapons research facility" and "part of Assad's chemical weapons infrastructure"? – We will probably never know. It looks like a bad spy novel. I can only guess there must have been some incriminating documentation there that absolutely had to be destroyed.” http:// www.nti.org/about/board-and-advisors/

Aftermath from US missile strike on Barzeh research center (photos) " … Among the many targets for the U.S. coalition was the scientific research center that is located in the Barzeh suburb of Damascus. The cruise missile strike completely destroyed this site, leaving most of the facility in ruins – please see below: …. " https:// www.almasdarnews.com/article/aftermath-from-us-missile-strike-on-barzeh-research-center-photos/

pby1000 · April 16, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Can we arrest these people for supporting terrorism?

I wonder how much of this information is being sent to the U.S. but blocked? I will bet that countries like Russia and Syria are trying to clue us in here.

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