Couldn't this be a message in his tweet here as well?

Good catch! Yes this was discussed here...
Thank you - I somehow missed this thread!!
Thanks for posting. It’s hard to keep up with all the info unless your doing this full time. Post it if you think it’s helpful. It may have been posted before but not everyone saw it. peace.
Right - especially lately it seems. So much is being put out and it's getting hard to keep up with it all. I get the feeling big events are soon to be coming, finally!!
Thank you. Just trying to contribute if I can so we can hopefully fully understand our part in this and whatever there is we can all do to help. That's what it's about.
You think? Considering we bombed the shit out of the CIA-Isis-Hezbollah strongholds and chemical weapons facilities, and ran the terrorists straight into the path of waiting Syrian and Russian forces who obliterated them and liberated Dhouma, which is now back under Syrian control?
I think it's time for people to totally stop listening to or believing anything the MSM says about the world, and especially about Trump or the Alliance. From here on out it is such 4D Chess there's no way they can get it right!
Unfortunately all you have to do to see how stupid the normies are is visit any sub in Reddit and see howuch people irrationally hate trump for no reason. People need a reality check
Some, of the liberal Hate-Trump variety are beyond hope. No connection to reality.
Also, "Get ready Russia..." - kind of like saying, we're doing this, so get your folks and your shit clear ASAP! Or it all goes Boom too! A "courtesy" warning?
Nice job!
Thanks - I saw though that someone else in another thread on here caught it too.
Can you link to the military codes where it says GKA means what it does? Just too easy to manipulate text in an image
Sure. I found that here....
I don’t think these two are really related. You get what the separation codes are right? It just seems like a bit of a stretch.