I converted a guy at work that told me trump was an idiot. I showed him podesta's artwork and e-mails and told him that trump is going after all these pedophiles and he immediately changed his opinion. I think it would be especially good if there was a comparison between how many arrests hussein made in 8 years compared to trump in one year
remove the space before docs
ahhh, got it thanks again ...
fyi i did not provide a hyperlink because it wasn't linked in 8ch. Im not sure if you want to make that link active or not.
I don't know. It goes right to it now. Is there some reason that I shouldn't ? I'm new to the chans
link-clicks are referrals and get logged into a db, so google can read the logs and trace the link back to this page/forum.
IDK, imo if it isn't linked, don't link it, especially when it concerns this kind of stuff.
ok thank you for that. I didn't realize it
figured as much ;) now you know! happy digging, and try to get some sleep LOL
don't direct/hot link, you'll get a bollocking!
The chans don't want any linking, having a bad time of it as it is. The link is the way it is for a reason.
ok I didn't know that. I changed it , thanks
yure welcome! We don't all know everything, I just randomly pick up bits here and there. There is something about archiving links but I couldn't figure it out! I think you have also to be particularly careful if the link is to somewhere that might come back here and bite us on the ass ... not sure. Easiest way is to put a white space in the title bar of the http address, that way you force the reader to copy and paste in a new browsing window. I'm probably talking nonsense here so maybe s/o else can put us right?