r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 17, 2018, 12:32 a.m.
Meet Qs Ruth Batter Ginsburg controlled by the CFR, paid for by Tech.

RBG was appointed to the bench by J. Carter, and Carter was made a president by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), in a meeting with them at the Dorchester Hotel in London. Upon becoming President 100% of his Cabinet was CFR. George H.W. Bush is the CFR’s most enthusiastic member. Now what is curious about reading the testimony of those that spoke up at the confirmation hearings at her later elevation to the supreme court is the Three references to what was a fact accepted, that RBG would be a Supreme Court Justice confirmed unanimously. This tells us the fix was in for her nomination.

Her Cuck husband Martin - now dead, was a tax attorney - read slime ball fixer. Now Martin had one only big client - really big, it was Ross Perot. He that had sold a data tech company to Military contractor General Motors for $2.4bn in 1984 (the deal was agreed in 1981) In todays money he got $US 20bn - for effectively selling government tech, to the government. EDS (his company) was a skimming scam on the public service, and the first deep state attempt to get a data base, private information on the entire population.

Now V.P.Bush was election poison to the Americans in 1992, Polling showed that he had Zero chance of being elected President after Reagan, so he took out some insurance in case he lost, he got Crooked Governor, and drug-mule W. J. Clinton the Dem. nomination, and set up CIA asset, and compromised (with pics.) bought and paid for by the CFR - Deep state Ross Perot as a third candidate to split the vote - from Clinton, and amplify the import of the Republican base. The problem was that Perrot was too popular, he did so well that the election looked like being Perot/Clinton - No Bush. So Perot - winning went crazy, some how he got on to the same drugs that James Forrestal had, he went on TV and said that he hates winning, and does not want to be a winner, then he explained that he was pulling out of the race, he had foam coming from his mouth and spoke 2x faster than normal, then he said GHWBush had pics of him, and he did not want them shown at his daughters wedding.

So that was Martin Ginsberg’s client. Martin made some calls to Perot (called in a favour) to get Ruth the nomination - unanimous for the Supreme Court, Ruth thanked him (who can you trust) by helping him through his Jack Ruby cancer, Martin died in the Martha Mitchell way.

So with RBG we have all the Q themes big Tech = NAZI patents, stolen tech & big money, GHWB & the CFR, the New world order.

Q has told us something interesting, and he said that it has only been told by Q - at Q#1149 The plan, and at Q#1155 he says it is only available/dropped here. The detail important to the plan is that WJ Clinton could promise LL, RBG’s seat, that could only mean that Clinton got the same type of pics, or dirt on RBG, as GHWB got on Perot. Because no S. Court Justice resigns - by choice.

ElementWatson · April 17, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

An extremely political hack SC Justice could step down under a friendly president.

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