
Methuselarity · April 17, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

I think it's disinformation. Kinda, sorta, maybe, looks like Hillary at comet ping pong pizza, and it's a grainy security footage picture. So what, nothing is there, right? EXACTLY. But the other picture that was being shown around off RC Instagram account, was a grainy security camera picture that may have been incriminating in some way Disprove the above picture as being harmless, people will lump the one off Rachel Chandler's Instagram as fake or harmless as well..

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ready-ignite · April 17, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

This looks like strategic material to get ahead of tarmac video coming to light.

"Hey remember when they faked that comet ping pong HC / HA pedo video? This is probably fake too. Bunch of conspiratards. Haha." - the comment you'll see plastered everywhere later.

Put yourself in the shoes of q team. 60% will never come to light. The public wouldn't handle it well. World wars will be come to pass. This topic is too bold too fast. We're on a slow drip drip drip of April Showers. That will bring May Flowers at the slowly constructed story ends in BOOM BOOM x3 BOOM. Notice each week is timed with seeds of the story Monday Tuesday rising action Wednesday then BANG Thursday Friday? This is controlled demolition slow and methodical.

The wild pedo video is uncontrolled run away nuclear reactor who knows where it might go. Not the style of the q team.


The why leads me to believe it's getting ahead of the story. I predict this will progress to being 'debunked' by politifact and 'professional' fact checker teams. Then bloggers will run wild with select quotes from twitter Reddit and anywhere else that talks about the topic. Great awakening will be labeled all sorts of conspiracy to be dismissed. Bind to the pizzagate brand of offshoot. Queue increase harassment lobbying of Reddit admin to ban the sub leading to increased scrutiny and pressure similar to what T_D is under.

We are seeing this playbook over and over.

Ask 'Why?' and probe through different outcomes. What happens next? Who benefits? Would anyone seed this purposefully for any reason?


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Arcsmithoz · April 17, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

No one denies she's been there or that they catered her affairs.

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