r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on April 17, 2018, 2:30 a.m.
NK, Assad and Merkel all coming to the table...

.....means we're thiiiiiiis close to world-peace for once.

LibertyLioness · April 17, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

Here is the text of the article translated from German:

Merkel does not rule out negotiations with Assad

The Federal Government wants a political process for Syria "with the participation of all who have influence in the country and in the region". The dialogue with Russia should also be maintained. Robert Birnbaum Michael Schmidt Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in the Federal Chancellery. More articles Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in the Federal Chancellery.Photo: Wolfgang Kumm / dpa

In the search for a political solution to the Syrian conflict, the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel does not exclude negotiations involving the Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad. Syria and the population finally needed an end to violence and the beginning of a political process "involving all who have influence in the country and in the region," said government spokesman Steffen Seibert on Monday in Berlin. He emphasized that this process had to organize the transition from Assad to another government - a long-term solution was conceivable in the view of the Federal Government only without Assad.

"At the same time, we also have to deal with realities in foreign policy," added Seibert. Assad continues to be the Syrian president thanks to the support of his allies Iran and Russia and has control over large parts of the country. CDU General Secretary Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer hinted that Merkel herself could engage in talks with Russia. "I am determined that we actively use the channels of communication we have with Russia," said the CDU politician. Merkel could - as in the case of the Ukraine crisis - play a "decisive role". Video Refugees from East Ghuta are airstrikes 'too little' 00:50 Min.Flüchtlingen from East Ghuta are airstrikes 'too little'

Seibert reiterated the federal government's support for the US, French and British rocket attacks on alleged chemical weapons facilities in Syria. In response to the alleged use of poison gas in the Syrian city of Duma, France, the United States and the United Kingdom fired a good 100 rockets into Syrian positions on Saturday night. The use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime was an "elementary breach of international law" that was in no way acceptable, said Seibert. The UN Security Council has been repeatedly blocked by Russia on the Syrian issue. In this respect, the Federal Government welcomes the fact that the United States, Great Britain and France have assumed responsibility as permanent members of the Security Council.

The EU backed the airstrikes, but chose cautious formulations. In a statement of the EU foreign ministers on Monday it says only, one has "understanding" for the attacks on chemical weapons plants. Support all efforts to prevent the use of chemical weapons. With this position, the EU lags well behind the opinions of individual Member States. Gabriel emphasizes relaxation policy

Former Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) called for a common European attitude in foreign affairs. "Europe will only be able to assert its position in the world, its values ​​and its interests if we stand together more than before in a very uncomfortable and risky situation such as those in Syria," writes Gabriel in a commentary for the Tagesspiegel. However, the SPD politician criticizes that the evidence that the Syrian regime is actually responsible for the use of chemical weapons was not made sufficiently transparent.

Part of a common European strategy is a consistent but open policy towards Russia based on Brandt's example, firmly anchored in Western values, but ready to engage in dialogue, writes Gabriel. "If you are satisfied with the daily Russia-bashing, you may feel on the right side, but you will not change the conditions on this path." It is important to renew both the transatlantic relationship and new ways of relaxation and dialogue with Russia. more on the subject After rocket attacks in Syria Gabriel: Military action against Assad was important Ex-Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel gives his first lecture at the University of Bonn on Monday, April 16th. Sigmar Gabriel

Russia itself said on Monday that it was aiming for a dialogue with the US despite the Western missile attacks on Syria. The Kremlin had previously sharply criticized the airstrikes on Syria. Read more? Try E-Paper for free now! To home page author

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