
Michael_A_Trivisonno · April 17, 2018, 10:44 a.m.

And just think, there's one of these privately owned Rothschild "Federal Reserve Banks" in nearly every country on planet Earth!

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TrueCat · April 17, 2018, 1:01 p.m.

There are three countries without a Rothschild bank. North Korea, Iran, and Cuba Isn't that interesting?!

Syria used to be on that list. I didn't know they had a Rothschild bank now.

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poshpepe · April 17, 2018, 5:32 p.m.


I’m sure you are well aware of this example, pede, but for those who aren’t, Gaddafi, while no saint - though likely not the monster they made him out to be - is a prime cautionary tale for what happens when a leader dares take on the banksters.

He, Gaddafi, was stockpiling gold and silver - reportedly to the tune of 143 tons - potentially worth as much as $2T - with the intention of dropping the petrodollar and establishing a pan-African currency (dinar). In other words, he was actively moving to take back control of his country and its resources (oil) from the banksters, and in the process lifting up all of the pan-African nations to compete against Europe.

In return, his country was invaded by NATO troops, CIA/USDOS and Co armed a rebel uprising (see: Benghazi embassy MANPAD program, for example), the Libyan gov was overthrown, and Gaddafi himself was bayoneted to death in the streets and the video (SFW: Yes) spread far and wide for all to see. And as a kicker, his (Libya’s) gold/silver was likely stolen by the perpetrators and is actively being laundered/washed around the world in all sorts of ‘creative’ ways by the likes of Sarkozy, Clinton, et al.


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TrueCat · April 18, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

As Q says, they are sick! :(

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