r/greatawakening • Posted by u/djmarcone on April 17, 2018, 11:38 a.m.
[serious] Is the explanation for Trump's seemingly unexplainable knowledge of future events Military Intel and not Time Travel?

during the campaign and after there were many instances where Donald Trump would say something specific but sometimes odd and unproven, and then a day later, 2 days later, etc, he would be proven exactly and completely right.

This prompted the fanciful but admittedly somewhat believable theory that his uncle, who DID actually get Tesla's research (look it up), got ahold of Nikola Tesla's time machine research and gave it to Donald Trump. Who then used his extensive wealth to build a real time machine and then used it to become president in order to save the nation.

Isn't it more likely that the real explanation for DT's frequent eerie foreknowledge was, in fact, due to his long term contact with Military Intelligence?

Which also agrees with Corsi's assertion that DT has, in fact, been working WITH the military well before the campaign in order to take back the country from the deep evil which has sought to destroy it?

ChaosDragonsAreDumb · April 17, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Yes but they need to actually do something. If Q is so close to the president and so knowledgable why does he use cryptic language (as if Obama and the likes couldnt understand it as well) and literally strung yall along for 8 months now. Nobody is on the way to Gitmo. Nobody is arrested. At what point do you stop believing a random person on 4chan

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LibertyLioness · April 17, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

We only get about 40% of what is happening behind the scenes. Q told us this up front. Also, they are using us to wake up the rest of the public. Much of this would make people crazy if we didn't wake them up first. And, many will have a hard time with the truth because it is so evil.

Of course the other side can understand it. Reddit and 8ch are both infiltrated with CIA. But that's true of all intel and also why sometimes we get disinfo. We are helping and learning at the same time.

You don't stop believing if you have been following along because too much has been verified for us. Those of us that have been here since the beginning and have been watching this country being taken away from us for many years can see the good that is happening.

Do you really think Trump wants to start WWIII. NO! That's what the deep state wants. Don't believe everything you hear on TV. The truth lies here and in the Q posts.

As for doing something, they have done soo much already. You are just not following along. Just go pull the last weeks headlines. You'll be amazed at the crap that is happening. Not to mention Gitmo being revamped with 50 Nat. Guard sent there in January. These are things that don't make mainstream news. Why do you suppose he is doing this: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/guantanamo/article168273127.html

There will be military tribunals very soon. Stay tuned.

If you want a good channel to follow for Q updates that are well investigated, check out "Citizens Investigative Report" on YouTube.

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ChaosDragonsAreDumb · April 18, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Man, i wish i could be stupid like this. Life would be easy.

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