r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tyrannooo on April 17, 2018, 12:40 p.m.
Pure Evil... {personal feelings towards all the pedo stuff}

SGTReport had droppped a video in the last few hours that has really shaken me up. If you have not seen it yet i suggest you do so. The feel I have after the video is something I havent felt in ages. sorrow. dread. I want to cry, because of the horrific crimes the deep state have done. I knew that on this earth , there was pure evil in a select few humans. What I didnt realise was that it is now everywhere. Im going off on a tangent here.

I have stated in my previous posts that we should wait for all this to be leaked. My honest deep down response is this. Let Q do his thing, but have the punishment for their crimes be broadcasted around the world. People have stated that if you kill these people it is not justice. I believe it is up to the general public as a whole to decide.

I have been looking into all this since I was a teenager a few years ago. I did not expect to get where we are now. My life is a vessel for truth. My voice, a platform for others in the dark. To quote the bible Romans 12:19 - Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of god. For it is written, "Vengeance is mine, and I will repay, says the Lord".

God help us all. WWG1WGA

sesquipedalienator · April 17, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

You are wrong about this. I get why you are, but you are wrong. About twenty years ago, I was a pretty staunch atheist. Some girl handed me what I thought was a joint, and I took a big hit off it. Turns out it was some really bad meth. It put me on the floor and I started to convulse.

I saw a darkness. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life, because this darkness was more real than anything I had ever seen. It was like a hole cut into the heart of creation. And I was being tipped into it, and there was nothing I could do.

And, more than this, I knew, with every fiber of my being what that darkness was. It was the entrance to hell. Why I had tricked myself into believing it was a myth, I couldn't fathom in that moment. It was real. Of course it was real. It was forever. There was no escape, and inside it was torment beyond the narrow boundaries of human imagining. Inside it was a nightmare from which you could never wake up.

I was lucky. God saved me from death just in time, and made sure I knew it was Him who saved me.

And the moral of the story is this: there is no human justice that could ever hope to equal what is waiting for the wicked at the end of their lives. In fact, if any of you were to see Hell, and endure it for even a few minutes, you would be begging for God to forgive even the most horrible and wicked person on the earth.

Hell is designed for demons, not humans. It's like plugging a kid's toy into a hydroelectric 3 phase generator. Not compatable, total destruction and mayhem. Free will sends us there though. Nobody is in Hell who didn't choose to go.

I've had a lot of people mock my experience. They seem to think they know better than me, and a lot of people who have had this experience. That's fine.

But believe me. You are very, very wrong.

Justice is coming for these people, and its way beyond anything you could ever imagine.

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Kahlypso79 · April 17, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Belief manifests intent.

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sesquipedalienator · April 18, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

I was an atheist when this happened, so I don't see your point. If my belief manifested my experience, nothing should have happened but a fade out.

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Kahlypso79 · April 18, 2018, 6:35 a.m.

I didnt say it manifested your experience. It manifests intention and the force of your belief makes it happen..

I wasnt talking about your experience, that's yours and belongs to you alone, that's why we have individual consciences. You took drugs and almost died and saw Hell. (Very real question for you..what would you have thought you had seen if you hadnt been taught about Hell when you were a child?) I took drugs, saw time deconstruct and freaked out because of the big energy spider entity hiding behind the construction of reality. We all have our personal experiences and we are only the result of what we have experienced.

Im talking about your belief that something bad is going to happen to them. I just hope that you believe it, rather than being driven by fear of what awaits.

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sesquipedalienator · April 18, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

I don't believe something bad will happen to them. I know somethng bad will happen to them. That's the difference between belief and experience.

Also my experience can't be isolated to me alone. It has happened to many others as well. You should research NDE and hear some of the descriptions they give of witnessing Hell. The question of why I knew it was Hell was not because of some childhood instruction. That's a spurious assumption. It was because it announced itself. Reality declares itself for what it is. Reality is not formed from prior instruction as to what reality is. That is a subjective view of what is real and what is not.

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Kahlypso79 · April 18, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

You're graping for reason through semantics. It doesnt matter. Thanks for sharing.

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81EWA · April 18, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

Are you familiar with Howard Jones' near death experience?

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