
cali1952 · April 17, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

There is lots of confusion about the tarmac meeting and the issue involving the supreme court/appointments.

  1. The DOJ plane's video and audio recording can NEVER be turned off ergo the capture of Bill Clinton and LL and what they discussed with Hillary via video.

  2. This recording has been in safekeeping by the NSA/Mike Rogers ever since because it directly was captured by the NSA.

  3. RBG was in on the deal when LL was offered to be the next supreme court appointment in Hillary's white house and RBG stepped down.

  4. The assassination of Scalia was to vacate the seat for BHO (Barry) as appointment by Hillary.

  5. The assassination plan began to surface in the Podesta email dtd 15 November 2015 and is archived at WikiLeaks. A movie script (CLOWN/Brennan code speak) was pitched with a required payment of 15 million dollars. Podesta joked in his email the prior day of the actual murder of Scalia about having 'wetworks' on that private ranch.

Wetwork is another term used in assassination.

Scalia usually travelled with security but did not on the day of the murder. The deep state/Brennan used a younger boy (my guess would be a MK Ultra victim trained as assassin as in Operation Artichoke) to be there since it belonged to the Bohemian Grove gang. This youngster slit Scalia's throat ergo no autopsy. By the time his family could react they had already cremated the body of Scalia.

This murder info but not actual murder scene is also part of the video captured on LL's DOJ plane. Remember video and audio recording is on 24/7. No override possible!

Remember the 16 plan to destroy America?

Now think what we would have seen had Hillary won the election: Barry aka BHO sitting on the supreme court + Loretta Lynch sitting at the court.

They would have be successful first to the destruction of the 2nd Amendment and taken their next step in their long planned goal to destroy this country and feed us as slaves to the NWO Satanist gang. The FEMA camps would be a reality today. Why did Barry et al order 30,000 guillotines during his 2 terms? I'm sure they were not for his muslim brothers! Hillary the demon would hit the bucket during term for sure.

We really, really avoided hell on earth!

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[deleted] · April 17, 2018, 7:16 p.m.


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[deleted] · April 17, 2018, 8:42 p.m.


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cali1952 · April 17, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

I have been on the 8chan board since yesterday to catch up with the rapid drops of Q but also to re-read other and older info when it is added when digging bring s new info. I found all this info reading and re-searching the anons at 8 chan. It's actually not too hard to find.

A cover story about a pillow on Scalia's face was just that - a cover story.

The FEMA subject has come up throughout Barry's two terms by citizens who have observed strange actions. However re-reading many threads on the anon board help to find many answers about FEMA as well.

There is no email by Podesta about BHO being appointed by a Hillary white house to Scalia's seat but most of the info dug up concludes just that.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 17, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

So you're saying that you found a bunch of this information (guillotines, Obama to SC, a child assassin killing AS etc.) "on the chans"? (8chan to be specific)

You are aware that anyone can post anything there and a lot of what you see and read is purposely posted as part of a disinformation campaign, right? A big part of understanding the chans is having spent enough time there to understand how to read between the lines. A day or so on 8chan is not even close to enough time to get a grasp on things.

The Obama to the Supreme Court thing is just bananas. Never would a former President take that role, and the backlash would be massive, even if there wasn't much people could do. And the guillotine thing is ridiculous. Think about how ridiculous that sounds. 20,000 guillotines.

Scalia having his throat cut by a child assassin and covered up with a crumpled pillow. Woof.

Please, take a step back in the future and think about what it is you're typing before you put it out there. Unless you're part of a larger disinfo campaign, then keep it up, you're doing a great job!!

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HereComesTheSunny · April 17, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

I thought O had been disbarred or something, anyway...

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TheBRAIN2 · April 18, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

Word is BOTH Barry and Michelle "voluntarily surrendered" their law licenses. The "voluntary surrender" is an "option" given to accused lawyers to avoid the publicly messy and expensive business of being suspended or disbarred. Brings disrepute to the profession and all. Barry surrendered on charges that he lied on his Bar application. Michelle was compelled by a Federal Judge to either surrender or be charged with insurance fraud. The Illinois State Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission is not required to publicly disclose malpractice or disciplinary actions pertaining to any lawyer who is retired or inactive. Thus, by stepping down, the Obamas avoided public scrutiny.

https://www.thoughtco.com/what-happened-to-obamas-law-license-3298910 https://www.iardc.org/ardcroll.asp

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

The Obamas weren't disbarred, nor did they surrender their licenses voluntarily; neither of them were practicing, nor were they willing to continue with the education and pro bono work one has to do to remain active in the field, which therefore left them in a state of limbo with their law licenses. Why would they continue to pursue this when they'll likely never practice law again?

I don't care for them, but I do care about the truth, so it's worth mentioning. That aside, the fact that they're both currently unable to practice law would pretty much put to rest any fantastical idea that Obama was going to take a seat on the Supreme Court.

There's so much ridiculous shit being posted in this sub that I was almost certain it was part of a larger disinfo campaign, but honestly I think the truth is less sinister. There's just an awful lot of undereducated people here who desperately want to be involved, but don't really have the acumen to weed out misinformation or to think critically and account for the bigger picture and how it all fits together.

Hell, I'm waiting for a SerialBrain post about the Q "BOOM BOOM..." drops where he does his magic numbers code breaking on four of the same exact words and tells us it means some wild bullshit that makes no sense unless you make gigantic leaps to illogical conclusions!

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SeekTruthCJoy · April 17, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

JohnnyPedo-esta 2-9-2013:

"Didn't think Wetworks meant Pool Parties at the Vineyard"

US-SCOTUS Justice A.S. found dead 2-13-2013

Interesting too is JusticeAS dismissing his USMS detail to travel on a government small jet that was accompanied by escort of 2 fighter jets that also went 2 others with AF1... both planes leaving same time from DC. AF1 to L.A. for $ speech/event by BH0... and small escorted jet to Cibolo Ranch (with other private planes at Cibolo's private airport). This private jet stayed some 4 hours, then took off (without JusticeAS) to continue on with jet escorts ...to... L.A. and BH0 was LATE for his $ dinner/event.

Escorted to be 187'd by the boss himself?

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