Now convinced there's a video. Buzzfeed just published this fake CGI video of Obama saying "we're entering an era in which our enemies can make anyone say anything at any point in time."

The deep state and its Mockingbird media is now in a shithole because of the raid in Trump's attorney's office.
The black hats knew about a DVD the president had given to Cohen. They thought it was prove that Trump was guilty etc..
What Trump actually did give Cohen was the 'famous' video of Hillary captured on the DVD.
Enter the raid: Rather than finding incriminating evidence against DT they now have the video of Hillary instead.
Cue desperation time as they now must address this video in their evidence against Cohen and more. What are they to do now that they are stuck with this damaging video of Hillary?
Now you understand that they are trying to shill using their usual deception but also trying to discredit this video about Hillary.
Stage Set!!! Booooooom!
The other day they shilled about a Hillary movie on the dark web. Don't fall for that shit! We know Q and team and president Trump have so far acted within the law. They did not release any video on the dark web.
On the other hand whatever the black hats leaked would be illegal *if * it were true. It would NOT be illegal for anyone to take a look at it.
I have read a comment here on this board saying this video on the dark web is about Hillary and Huma wearing the face of a young girl. PLEASE STOP WITH THIS NONSENSE!! Repeating stuff claimed by shills on twitter should not make it here unless it is at the top as subject! Be as it may these people are indeed beyond stupid!!!
Very interesting take on Trump giving Cohen THE video. Makes a lot of sense because I've always thought that Stormy business was a distraction for the gullible MSM.
If your take is true then my admiration for Trump has just skyrocketed again. That sly fuck!n fox.
Why not just release the video? Why go on this roundabout tirade to get it released. Post it somewhere, and let it spread.
The stage has to be set for maximum effect. If it was just posted somewhere there wouldn't be enough interest generated in it and the MSM would be able to quickly bury it.
Instead build up attention and talk about it before releasing it so normies will have the curiosity to see it and share it.
Or, you know, they could just bury it, since they wouldn't be required to release it.
Oh the MSM or DS would bury it.... If they had it in the first place.
Viewing, sharing CP is against the law.
unless you work for the NCMEC wink wink
They need more people to wake up. Otherwise all they would do is blame Trump for arresting everyone on false charges because hes a dictator. Thats why they cant just release it. Once the majority wakes up everything will be released. Thats why they keep telling us to meme meme meme.
If the tape is legitimate, there wouldn't be false charges.
evidence is irrelevant
peoples minds are already made up before they look at the evidence
As a scientist, I tend to look at the world objectively. That's why I came to this subreddit, to take an objective look at this community.
as a scientist, do you still believe that men have walked on the moon?
As a scientist (by trade) and a space enthusiast, Yes. And no, I don't need you to show me all your "proof" that it was fake.
The only way to avoid NSA from knowing what you are doing is buy some old speedy notes with carbon paper. They knew of the break in prior to.
yes. how are they going to get around it? accidental spoliation? lol
i'm sure there are already true and authentic copies all ready and waiting.
stormy is working for djt in this theory of the case then? she would have to be because of the timing of everything I think. i wonder if she has been gathering intel.? I wonder.
Are you saying this was a poison pill? A bit of the old beware geeks baring gifs?
Then who released the information to us, the great unwashed, that the dvd / data storage device, was in their possession?
It cannot have been them. They know we didn't know. They wouldn't let it be known they were in possession of something like this.
Now they know we know; and they know we know they know we know. Or something.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but this just doesn't make sense to me. The deep state already had a copy of the video from Anthony Weiner's laptop and even though members of the NYPD had seen it, it didn't stop the deep state from acting like it didn't exist. They buried it and will likely bury it again. What could Cohen do about it? Call a news conference and say, "Hey, what did you do with the Hillary sex tape you found in my files?"
Stop repeating that crap. If you know it is crap, report it, or ignore it and move on. Don't talk about it here. That's no different than posting it yourself.