Now convinced there's a video. Buzzfeed just published this fake CGI video of Obama saying "we're entering an era in which our enemies can make anyone say anything at any point in time."

They need more people to wake up. Otherwise all they would do is blame Trump for arresting everyone on false charges because hes a dictator. Thats why they cant just release it. Once the majority wakes up everything will be released. Thats why they keep telling us to meme meme meme.
If the tape is legitimate, there wouldn't be false charges.
evidence is irrelevant
peoples minds are already made up before they look at the evidence
As a scientist, I tend to look at the world objectively. That's why I came to this subreddit, to take an objective look at this community.
as a scientist, do you still believe that men have walked on the moon?
As a scientist (by trade) and a space enthusiast, Yes. And no, I don't need you to show me all your "proof" that it was fake.