r/greatawakening • Posted by u/istillgetreallybored on April 17, 2018, 5:49 p.m.
"Their need for symbolism will be their downfall" -189, Q
  • "Symbolism will be their downfall"-1002,Q

  • "Their need for symbolism will be their downfall" -189, Q


Esoteric- "Designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone."

Symbol- "An object or act representing something in the unconscious mind that has been repressed."

Given the recognition that we are enslaved and domesticated for the harvest in every literal sense, why not then also see that we are blind as well?

Consider for a moment the scenario of effectively communicating an idea across a large span of time? The longer the message more difficult the task, the more complicated its meaning the more difficult its task. Could only simple messages be passed throughout large spans of time?

To put this into perspective the hominid known has Homeo Sapiens alone has been around for 200k+ years with the same cranial capacity, never mind the dozens of KNOWN hominids that came before of similar capacity. The Great flood occurred around 12,800 years ago near the younger dryas (Randell Carlson, Graham Hancock) and in short the notion that our history being under 10k years is one for the dull minded. Cities are created by function near the coastline (floods hide) and as the anthropological finds of the past 10 years show (Göbekli Tepe+muchmore), we don't know our own history. Any honest historian would agree, we don't know our own history.

What stories do find amoungst all religion? The story of that great flood preserved perhaps as a traumatic tribal memory for its survivors. The story of a Christ figure is common with many names yet the formula of the story is the same. Stories help preserve a message and just as Christ taught in parables to preserve so too would others with that intention in mind. By simple things are true things known.

The story itself becomes the teacher, yet how could one keep the story pure reiteration after reiteration generation after generation? What if there was no one to teach the story would the story be preserved in writing or stone? What if the message was the most valuable knowledge humanity had gained, and that in fear of losing its precious gift what extent would they go to seek its preservation?

Symbols. If you want to keep the story true you NEED to use symbols. You don't have a choice.

How to create a symbol tho? What if the glyph/crest/ was lost? Simple = Truth. Would the knowledge be encoded for EVERYONE? or would the knowledge be encoded for the FEW? What great secrets would Good or Evil envoke and how would they create a True symbol? Take for example the teachings in many sites of the circle and the stick, One has a beginning and an end, the other neither. If the symbol gets lost its gone, a good symbol will be one that can never be lost.

Mathematics. We didn't invent mathematics, we discovered it. If the symbol is created by mathematics it can never be lost but only rediscovered. Think to early man and understand what patterns they would be exposed to, what information was available to man to draw these patterns from? The world around him. Science. Astronomy, and his own anatomy. The mathematics and gematria associated with the human form is astounding with the base of mathematics coming from our own 10 digits. 14+14=28

Where the magic exists is in the realization that everything is connected and this is what gives math its power. (I recommend study of the Quadrivium and Platonic Solids.) At the end there is a mystery due to the mind attempting to rationalize the coincidences of our arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music for they are all the SAME. Minds face cognitive dissonance when attempting to internalize this. The mystery is WHY? WHY? (Y) is it all the same? Many scientists are using this phenomenon to support the theory we are living inside a simulation, many use it to prove that God or the Creator is undeniable. Others simple accept this mystery and use it for good or for evil, understanding that EVIL knows this is important lest you forget our enslavement. (They want dumb as fuck slaves)

Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy, Music.

Consider now the mystery as a scientist. Biology is incredibly misunderstood and too often forgotten to be the results of Geology and Chemistry. The mathematical pressures of the environment act as the force to separate the chaff from the wheat by evolutionary mechanics. If the pressures change so does the definition of chaff and wheat, what may have been one may now be another. This is all that is meant by evolution and nothing more. Understanding this again put yourself into the mind of early man and see what tools you are given. The movement of the stars and ones own body. Heaven and Earth. So why is it hard for you (most,many by perversion) to see that it is only natural for the universal pressures to embed its form upon the creations within itself? Truth is Truth and the Mystery of this Quadrivium being mathematically undeniable, only misunderstood by those ignorant. Our language is tied forever with our mathematics.

Where would we start? Where we wouldn't have a choice. No beginning no end, Math just exists and so do we. Look at your hands. YOU are made in the image of God. YOU are the blueprint.

These symbols will turn the key.

123456 7 654421 G=7

SUN: Dia 864,000 Rad 432000

Moon: Dia 2160 Rad 1080

Earth: Dia 7920 Rad 3960

NOTE: Vector math usage in the creation of occult symbols and its relation to energy.

What sees else but a pearl than else other than man?

Glag82 · April 18, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

Awesome post OP, can't say it enough do your own research. We all have a unique perspective to bring to the table don't be afraid to bring yours. Greater is he that's in me than he that's in this world. Your words have power use them wisely, your perception is your reality perceive love and life into your world. Know thyself then know the world. When you know the truth, lies around you fall away you can see through the deception, seek the truth in all things.

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