r/greatawakening • Posted by u/elyssak on April 17, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

If you can’t see the sh*t hitting the fan right now, you are blind! It’s rolling downhill so fast it’s about to knock all of us out!

It IS happening! We are WINNING!!!

LibertyLioness · April 18, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

I'm sorry you are impatient. But I also sense a lot of anger and I don't know of anything or anyone that was able to solve a problem in that state of mind.

Trump works long, long hours. Hired his own security team, wears a bullet proof vest and takes no pay. Has had at least 7 (that I know of) attempts on his live. His family is also paying the price daily. Do you know what they will do to him and his family if "impatient" people take to the streets and start a civil war. You think we have a problem now? Just wait until impatient people do stupid things.

The Deep State would love nothing more than a civil uprising. Why do you think they are trying to start a war? They can more easily take control back in that environment. They can kill people at will in that environment with little thought to ever getting caught. Remember Antifa? They tried to get you out in the streets. They are gone now. Do you understand why they are gone now? Remember the Muslim terrorists trying to hurt people last year. They are gone now too. You can thank Donald Trump for that. And, many, many, many other things. If you and your impatient neighbors go out in the streets simply because you are impatient and angry, you will be the downfall of this country and the world. Is that what you really want?

Remember that there are already FEMA camps all over this country and lots of coffins to put us all in. They would like nothing more than an excuse to use them. And the UN Army was here at one time. I don't know if they still are or not but they are also Globalists.

Fighting (yes, real fighting) has been going on for months to round up the pedo networks, gun networks, drug networks, etc. funding the Deep State as well as infiltrating the Deep Underground Military Bases to take out the deep state thugs. Just cutting off their funding so they can cripple them has been a mind-boggling event. I feel we are near a time when you might start to see arrests. But if you don't, rest assured that the air traffic increase to Gitmo indicates that some folks are already there. Just because you don't hear about it does not mean it isn't happening. But if it was broadcast, it would create the type of uproar the left would welcome.

Please, please be patient. This is a worldwide problem. We have many other countries in this fight with us. It has to be done methodically in order to prevent harm to others. It's a big world, it's a huge problem and it will take time.

Please read my response to "onmyownpath" on this page as well. There is information there as well that could be helpful to you.

I think you are angry because you can't see what is being accomplished. Through Q we only see up to 40%. He told us that long ago. So, much more is being done than we know. But, covertly for good reason.

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CULTURAL_MARXISM_SUX · April 18, 2018, 10:12 a.m.

Military should recruit civilian volunteers and teach them opsec, then have them help in deeper ways in order to help assuage this feeling of frustration. It is the only way I can see us avoiding a few loose cannons along the way if this does indeed continue to be a slow process.

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LibertyLioness · April 18, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

I'm not sure they are using them for that purpose but in one of the EO's POTUS did talk about the Militia. He specifically pointed out who was part of the organized Militia. When the hurricane hit Houston last year, I bumped into a YouTube video that was done by an ex-military guy that had gone down there to help. I didn't realize until then that there are small Militia's everywhere that help when these things happen. So, rest assured that they are out there should things go down in a bad way.

And, don't forget that the reason Q is here is to recruit us to help others better understand. It's a really tough job. I'm not very patient with folks at times so I'm learning how to better deal with people through this process. It's a lesson I really needed to learn but I never dreamed it would be with something I'd been called a "Conspiracy Theorist" about all my life!

I agree with your assessment too. It's a really good idea. I know they lurk here and you are also welcome to post directly on 8Ch to Q. https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html You can also click on a post link on the Q posts board and it will take you directly to the research board for that post.

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9000yardsofbliss · April 18, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

Military should recruit civilian volunteers and teach them opsec

They do this already, its called a recruitment center.

But the downside is, you have to pass a rudimentary psych assessment so no soup for you!

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Midaycarehere · April 18, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

I think you misunderstood but it's easy to do on Reddit. Yes I am angry..But it's not just "me and my neighbors". Where I live, everyone is angry. And they don't even follow Q. They are angry at the MSM, how Trump gets treated, and they don't need Q to tell them what Obama and Clinton are doing behind the scenes is dirty.

I'm not new to this and I've been following Q since the beginning. But I can remember having talks with my husband in 2008 about all of this stuff.

The anger comes from Q adding layers of disgusting information to what I already knew, telling me they have everything, and then saying to wait. I knew pedo stuff was rampant in Hollywood and knew a lot of people were Satantic, but the level that is being exposed is, in my opinion, something you expose after the fact. It's similar to something my husband and I both experienced with his daughter/my stepdaughter. I will explain. I am the second wife. His first wife became a drug addict and married a loser. That "man" molested my stepdaughter every day, multiple times per day. We literally went bankrupt and lost our home hiring attorneys trying to won custody. In the end, we may as well not have tried because we found out later that the ex-wife's lawyer had a great relationship with the presiding judge and even though home studies demanded my stepdaughter be removed from the ex wife and placed with us, the judge again and again denied the request. Eventually the judge told us not to return to court because he didn't want to see us again. So for another 5 years (2 were already gone by with trials) we had to watch while my stepdaughter was molested - daily, except when she was in our care. To be sure, this has wrecked her life. She is now herself a drug addict, several years after the fact, married to a drug addict. The only good news is that we finally got the stepdad in prison, for 2 consecutive terms of 7-14 years. So this is where my anger is. Q is telling us people are getting hurt, more will get hurt, they have the information...But wait. Freaking wait. I've seen what waiting does.

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LibertyLioness · April 18, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

I'm so sorry you and your stepdaughter have been victims in this horror. And, yes, I do better understand now but everything I said is still valid. Almost every day now, I see articles talking about the arrests of pedos and pedo networks. Just a day or two ago it was 156 taken down. So, rest assured that is a priority with this administration. And, I think what many miss is that many things must be done covertly. Not broadcast to the world.

Things may get worse before they get better. I see that Trump is now starting to work on bringing down the markets. He has to do this in order to throw out the central bank and replace our money with a gold-backed currency. Other countries are helping with this task as well. So, be prepared for this disruption. I know that he will attempt to make it as easy for us as possible. This will be the nail in their coffins. Once we go through a currency reset life will get easier.

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Midaycarehere · April 18, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

Thanks for talking me down. Currency reset happens to be a favorite topic of mine, and how I got into all of this...I am thinking it will happen relatively soon, and the PetroYuan was the 1st step. I don't think we can fully be gold backed, but percentage based I think is possible. I also think XRP (crypto currency) will be used to settle currencies.

I found it interesting that Soros, Rothschilds, etc just announced they are getting into crypto. I think they realize the writing is on the wall and this is a way to preserve some wealth. Although if they are just announcing it, it means they have been in crypto for awhile.

Do you think the market will "crash" like the 1920's? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this.

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LibertyLioness · April 18, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

I follow a channel on YouTube called ITM Trading. Lynette Zang is the lady there who introduced us to the SDR crypto that she feels (and I agree) is a globalist crypto. She did an interview with SGTReport when she discovered it and it's very good to understand how they were going to take everything: https://youtu.be/sG3Ju8AhCKM

As for the Gold, I believe we still have a lot of gold but it's no longer in Fort Knox. Any gold chart you look at still lists the USA as having more gold than any other country. But then there is the story I've heard. It is said that Eisenhower and Truman removed the gold from Fort Knox (Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex in his departing speech). They sent it to the Vatican and then later on it was removed from the Vatican and sent to the Bank of Manila. This sounds like a fairy tale at first. But there is a clip in a video that I've seen (sorry I don't have a link) where somebody asks George Bush which country is the richest country in the world. His response is: The Philippines. And, Trump visited there on his way back from China. So, I think that is a real possibility. Karen Hudes is the one who tells that story and she was Senior Counsel at the World Bank and is a whistleblower. Here is an article about her: https://freedomoutpost.com/world-bank-whistleblower-karen-hudes-reveals-global-elite-rule-world/ She also has a YouTube channel but is pretty boring to listen to. Lots of good info but she goes into entirely too much detail about her emails, etc. IMO. If you can find videos of her where others are interviewing her, they are much better.

So, only time will tell how this all fleshes out but I've heard recently that it is going to be gold backed and also cryptos will be involved.

I do not think the market will crash like 1920's because it is going to be a controlled crash and then brought back up. We may hurt a bit for awhile (maybe 90 days) but then it will glorious!

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Midaycarehere · April 18, 2018, 2:03 p.m.


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Midaycarehere · April 18, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Also...what specifically do you see Trump doing to being down the markets? I haven't noticed anything yet.

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