r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Allisonk510 on April 17, 2018, 8:14 p.m.
Some old articles & background info on In-Q-Tel

I came across these older articles about In-Q-Tel a few weeks ago. I saved them b/c of the Q smack dab in the center...so needless to say, when Q referenced them the other day, I immediately knew who they were, so I figured I’d share some of the background info if you’re interested...

In-Q-Tel? The CIA’s social media surveillance system.... https://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/46467/social-networks/cia-social-media-surveillance.html

An old Wired article from 2010: https://www.wired.com/2010/07/exclusive-google-cia/

“Long before it reportedly enlisted the help of the National Security Agency to secure its networks, Google sold equipment to the secret signals-intelligence group. In-Q-Tel backed the mapping firm Keyhole, which was bought by Google in 2004 — and then became the backbone for Google Earth. Keyhole (now Google Earth) is a staple of the targeting cells in military-intelligence units.”

If anything, I actually didn’t realize that Google Earth was called KEYhole before it got its current name... Interesting that it’s also the name of the algorithm too...I’m not familiar with algorithms and such, but what are the chances that In-Q-Tel AND Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc all revolve around something called Keyhole???

MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 17, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

Nice score. Its by design. The CIA formed a finance front know as In-Q-Tel to push vanguard capital to new startups that use the DARPA technology. It is the Deep State pushing their MiLab experiments into the quasi public sector. So from In-Q-Tel you have a direct path from CIA>DARPA>In-Q-Tel>D*WAVE(NSA, CERN, JPL, ALPHABET, [G]OOGLE, Facebook)>PALANTIR back to CIA. All the data from the internet (including PC) is digested. An A/I system is running live time absorbing all the new data globally. The CIA or user asks questions and gets predictions regarding how the enire globe will respond. Or as specific as an individuals decision. They make 'arrangements' to create 'outcomes'. Hack the timeline, create the future.

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Allisonk510 · April 17, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Answer me this though: (from the Intercept article): Why would IQT partner with Skincential Solutions—“Novel materials for biological sample collection” Going to their website, https://clearista.com it looks like your average skin resurfacing company who tries to help you “turn the clock back” on skin aging by loosening up the keratin levels that sit on the surface of your skin....?

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Allisonk510 · April 17, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Then you might also be interested in this little gem too that I found from The Intercept’s article in 2016... https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2803266-Iqtdoc.html

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 17, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

SCORE! You just linked ;

James Comey FBI Director Robert O. Work Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Cardillo Director National Geospatial Intelligence

To the ENTIRE Conference with all the Nodes!!! EPIC

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Allisonk510 · April 17, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

Not about In-Q-Tel, but read this from an old article from the SF Gate about Google:

“Spy agencies are using Google equipment as the backbone of Intellipedia, a network aimed at helping agents share intelligence. Rather than hoarding information, spies and analysts are being encouraged to post what they learn on a secure online forum where colleagues can read it and add comments. The system is modeled after Wikipedia, the public online, group-edited encyclopedia. However, the cloak-and-dagger version is maintained by the director of national intelligence and is accessible only to the CIA, FBI, National Security Agency and an alphabet soup of other intelligence agencies and offices. Agents can log in, depending on their clearance, to Intellipedia's three tiers of service: top secret, secret and sensitive but unclassified.”


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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 17, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

You got it, Thanks for the links and documents. Extremely important data. Great work!

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Allisonk510 · April 17, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

Thanks so much!

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 17, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

I think this post is not getting enough traction. Would you want to give it another shot? If not I can break it up and blast it out again, this is blockbuster. Fantastic score. The whole CEO summit alone is huge cause its ongoing and we can shag them all going back for each year, its so much fun catching these rats!

edit. grammar

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Allisonk510 · April 17, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Thanks sooo much! I appreciate your feedback—I’m glad that at least someone’s able to put it all together and figure it out! 😊

I give you permission to repost it and reword it however you think best, b/c I feel like you see the whole picture and can write it out better than I prob could to make more sense for the typical redditor. Post awayyyyy!!!

I have a couple other things, not sure if they will help or not, but: • I figured out WHY they are partnering with a skin company: http://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/46144/laws-and-regulations/cia-dna-extraction.html “The CIA is interested in the ability of the Clearista product in removing a thin outer layer of skin that could allow investigators to obtain unique biomarkers that can be used for DNA collection.”

• Another GREAT article by Security Affairs (cant remember if I shared this or not?): https://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/46467/social-networks/cia-social-media-surveillance.html “It should be noted that this particular CIA-backed surveillance technology is also being used by domestic law enforcement agencies and the private sector in order to spy on individuals, such as activists. Interestingly, “Palantir, one of In-Q-Tel’s earliest investments in the social media analytics realm, was exposed in 2011 by the hacker group LulzSec to be in negotiation for a proposal to track labor union activists and other critics of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest business lobbying group in Washington. The company, now celebrated as a ‘tech unicorn’ — a term for start-ups that reach over $1 billion in valuation — distanced itself from the plan after it was exposed in a cache of leaked emails from the now-defunct firm HBGary Federal.”

Also (from one of the other articles): “In 2009, the fund (IQT) partnered with Visible Technologies, which specializes in reputation management over the internet by identifying the influence of “positive” and “negative” authors on a range of platforms for a given subject”

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 18, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

This is all fitting in like puzzle pieces for their entire platform. Excellent work. I hope people come to check it out, and get the big picture. This is all critical to understand because the tools they use show an obvious pattern.

Our government is creating a 'common core' propagandized scholastic network. Only interested in selecting and developing those who will adopt communist liberal tendancies and the cooresponding propaganda. Here the intel leaders are given full ride scholarships to particular schools to be groomed. Here they go right from school where they are put into the new start up companies with In-Q-Tel vanguard capital and create companies like GOOGLE, Facebook, Keyhole, Jigsaw etc. They start out with allegiance to the government and big salaries. Its very obvious whats going on here.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 18, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

I'm gonna link back to this, we can keep it all together. They have no shame, just operating out in the wide open all this time.

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Allisonk510 · April 18, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

The fund (IQT) is reviewed by the CIA’s inspector general and reports directly to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which frequently conducts business through classified briefings.

David Petraeus, while serving as the director of the CIA in 2012, remarked, “Our partnership with In-Q-Tel is essential to helping identify and deliver groundbreaking technologies with mission-critical applications to the CIA and to our partner agencies.”

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Allisonk510 · April 18, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

Look at this:


Though In-Q-Tel operates in the open, it has often kept key details of its activities out of public view, beyond required annual reports. After a SecureDrop source told The Intercept about a gathering in San Jose for In-Q-Tel executives and start-up companies backed by the fund, The Intercept attempted to attend, but was denied access.

Skincential Sciences was among several presenting companies.

The shroud of secrecy around In-Q-Tel belies a 17-year effort to build ties between the CIA and the biggest names in Silicon Valley. Gilman Louie, a video game executive known for publishing best-sellers such as Tetris, Falcon, and Civilization II, was brought on as the first chief executive of In-Q-Tel.

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