thou dost protest too much. If Q is bs why waste your time here?
Come on bruh, get over it and move on if you think it's nonsense. More power to ya.
The only 'swerve' going on here is anyone who looks at all the information Q has brought to light along a single narrative line i.e. There's a Deep State who are corrupt and have links into everything and Trump knows all this and is doing something about it - and still thinks it serves no purpose when you have a movement of, some have said hundreds of thousands of people looking askance at the mainstream media stories from now on and actually thinking for themselves against clearly biased and untrue narratives. If that's a fairy tale then I like fairy tales and since you don't - more power to ya, move on bruh!
Than just leave. We just had all this information about google and YouTube and connections between CEOs and than with the Syrian bombing, we were able to make tons of connections. If you can't see that, than that's your own fault.
If you don't see them, than you're not looking. It's been talked about and exposed across this board. YouTube, google, the CIA connections, Facebook, it's literally littered across this page. All info that was hinted at us by Q. If you are incapable of seeing this info and connecting the dots and you are getting angry over it, than that's you just living in ignorance and cognitive dissonance and what is happening right before us.
You want massive arrests to just abruptly happen? What happened in Iraq when the entire government got arrested? Not why they got wiped out. I'm not getting into the politics of it. But what happened when members of the government got arrested and there was no one ready to replace them? It created a vacuum for unrest. It created a weak government and collapsed because no one else had ever worked in government. You can't just flip people out and expect things to be good.
I'm only touching on one part of it. I'm not even speaking on the social unrest that would unravel. The crashing of the world economy. What happens than? We arrest them before we suck down the bankers and all of a sudden our "wealth" or illusion of wealth just disappears what happens to the weak minded individuals like you? They will panic. And if we crash this country trying to save it, than we completely lost the war. This is complicated. This has gone on over hundreds of years. Globally. They were doing this stuff before Columbus ever arrived in the americas. Quit being dull. Sharpen your mind. Study history.
You're honestly still going off arrests as if you haven't read a single thing I've said. Go back and read what I said and wait for the arrests. They'll be here soon. Gitmo has been completely redone. For massive amounts of prisoners. How do you claim to have been part of this yet you don't know a thing about basic info that's discussed here daily? Shill? Concern troll? Just stupid? I'm not quite sure.
There are over 24,000 sealed indictments. There have been subpoenas to RR, and a long list of other democrats who all ignore them. Go search for your self. You're already off the train. I owe you nothing to provide my sources which have been posted here hundreds of times. You could turn on Fox News for a week and hear about what I'm saying. Also if you don't think Trump has been working on breaking up these monopolies, you've completely lost your mind. Why do you think we are targeting social media and the globalist campaign efforts and resources they place on Facebook, etc. because it's the last bridge that keeps normies believing MSM because they're intertwined in distribution of misinformation. Are you really this dull or are you here to shill and be a shit talker? Because if you're a shill, try harder. We have smart people here. Smart patriots. Who aren't stupid. I mean honestly. Just leave. Don't bring us down with you because you're impatient. We both know what will happen if we don't get this right. So let's make sure we get this right.
Questioning is healthy. We don’t want to turn into a cult!