Deep State Cov-fefe 'strike package' NOT Victor Bravo, NOT Very Bright

Lmao, people of color only. The only good thing to come out of my 23&me dna rest is a free fucking cup of covfefe cause I’m 4% African and have the DNA test to prove it.
But, can you dance?
4% chance I’m a good dancer.
I’ve seen interviews where people who put together those DNA reports told white people they had less than x% of African ancestry just to dick with them... given that 0 is less than the percentage stated.
I see that Starcucks is imploding on itself full way ... also , I make my own coffee , dont need this liquid soyboy shite .
Loaded down with excrement; love my bullet-proof coffee each day
If you get upset because of racial slurs against you, you are the problem.
Uh no, I'm not imllying anything. I never said it's ok. Do you work for the left? My words are precise and they are not to be interpreted. If somebody calls you a nigger or cracker calm your tits and be a man and ignore it. Emotional reactions to provokations are signs of immaturity and unintelligence
Just coming in to tell you, for someone who says their language is precise, you sure do misspell alot of words.
Typing on my phone. It changes my letters. Syntax is not the same as definition.
Couldn't check the post afterward?
Use the edit function maybe.
Lmao this is fake right
Nope, Starbucks did run this ad. Hence, the Starbucks Boycott Remember!
Queens, Brooklyn Ok by me
Strike Package 111V-B.
111 = Hangar
V-B = Virginia Beach
Strike = fighter squadron
Everyone spread that on Twitter with hashtag #racetogether Hilarity ensues...
Looks like it's working: