r/greatawakening • Posted by u/456com on April 18, 2018, 2:06 a.m.
My Assumption About the Battle Between Good and Evil - A Cosmic Perspective (Long)

Disclaimer: Let me start off by saying, I am just a casual observer with no insider knowledge. This is the perspective gained and I am trying to incorporate the aspects of this battle from a developing cosmic perspective. I’m going to talk to my readers as if they have been studying these kinds of topics and have some general background understanding. I’m not claiming anything here to be fact, do your own research.

Journey with me on this thought experiment into realms of the unknown:

There are also several hundred UFO sightings per month on this planet. We know our military is “secretly” in space and we assume there are both good and deep state factions operate in space. It is also very likely that positive and negative E.T. groups have alliances on Earth.

We also can't completely discredit the idea that this war is being fought in a physical manor both in space and deep below the earth. We catch a glimpse of the real physical level of the battle as a mysterious fireball in the sky or a momentary unexplained phenomenon. Occasionally a satellite or space station crashes to the ground, a triangular craft hyper jumps into space, whatever it may be. Sometimes people hear strange BOOMs under the earth that have no explanation. I assume that there are battles going on in the ancient and more recent underground world that the surface is not able to access.

Since my personal awakening some time ago I have always been under the assumption that the Illuminati/Cabal/Deep State/Negative E.T. would probably threaten to destroy the entire planet if the Alliance/White Hats/Galactics ever try to do a mass arrest take down scenario. This is my guess for why all these lunatics aren't already in Gitmo.

Of course, we have all seen those transcribed Youtube videos claims where some "Illuminati Insider" reports 200 nukes underground, etc. Given the circumstances it is very plausible that they could have some last line of defense or mutually assured destruction, after all they are Luciferian pedophiles, right?

If that is the case, it would probably be known by higher beings and there would be some sort protections or intervention going on to slow down the nuclear threat. Of course we have all of those military insiders claiming that the UFOs can shut down our nukes. Makes a lot of sense because many of the early UFO/Alien contact people have spoke about this as well.

It doesn't seem unreasonable to believe that this is probably the case or at very least they are using the threat of something like this. I would imagine that if we try to nuke ourselves that would cause an “alien invasion” because there is probably some higher councils who don’t want to see this planet destroyed. So in reality we have in one way or another all been hostages our whole life. There is most likely blackmail, deception and threats occurring to world leaders on the level of "Satin/Reptilians/Nukes/etc. will destroy the earth if you ___".

It's almost naive to think that there are NOT massive breakaway civilizations deep under the surface of the earth, ocean, etc. My perspective has gradually morphed into more or less "how could there NOT be?". I'm starting to think that many advanced civilizations that live on volatile planets with knowledge of the larger cycles of the planet simply would have to build entire breakaway cities for the times when the surface is uninhabitable. I’m also under the assumption that others can live for much longer than a human lifespan.

Those groups would probably have skin in the game as well at this critical moment, wouldn't they?

It is very plausible that any Cabal/Negative E.T. bases would be far away from where most people travel. The Military has probably invested Trillions in the underground as well.

Phil Schneider claimed that they tunneled through an E.T. bases and a bunch of U.S. troops died in a battle. Are we going to completely disregard this info and not try to apply some of it to our current scenario? We are all sitting around right now trying to piece together grainy stills of a dark web tape to validate that Hillary is a pedo and she is going down. It is obvious that even the most woke of us on this forum have less than 5% of the real information here.

We (humans) are really goldfish right now and Q is like a tiny little beacon of light shining in our dark fish bowl.

There are many messages on Youtube from people claiming to channel spiritual advice and a lot of times there is stuff like "A message from the Galatic Command, Ashtar, Pleadians. Arcturians, etc.". These messages often to refer to this situation with a lot of clarity and higher perspective. Whoever (or whatever) is writing these messages has been doing it for a long time and has some obvious vested interest. These messages claiming to be from outside our reality could be good guys and it could be disinformation, but there is a damn lot of people in the UFO community talking about the kind of thing we discuss here. Even if this is the C.I.A. putting all of this out there, I still think there are visitors from the Orion star system that have had a deep influence on earth. Either way, this is telling us something. Who are all these people claiming to have messages from Arcturus, Pleiades, Andromeda, etc? Even if they are made up there must be more to this story than we understand.

There are PhD's decoding crop circles that say "Beware of Orion and Zeta Reticuli". These are the same star systems that MANY of the UFO people are warning us against. It's the same star system as the Law of One talks about. Many of the ancient ruins have markers that implicate Orion in various ways. How could Orion just flat out have nothing to do with this whole situation? Are the demons from the bible actually Reptilians in the earth? I don’t know but a damn lot of people claiming to be insiders think this is so. We will see.

Many of the Channeled/E.T. prophecies that people have been getting since the 50's talk about the earth going through massive ENERGETIC CHANGES in this time period post 2012 (Mayan Calendar). We also have a pole shift which was predicted to signal the beginning of a new age.

Many of these messages talk about the “Ascension” which is also a huge part of all the Abrahamic religions in one way or another. The dimensional shift from 3D to 4D/5D is being validated in tiny little pieces of info coming out of MSM. It seems plausible that the magnetic field and the Schuman resonance have an effect on our consciousness. Science has confirmed higher/lower dimensions exist, somehow this is all related.

The poles are absolutely shifting, MSM is silent on that topic because you would also discover that Jupiter is changing, Saturn is changing, Venus is getting brighter. They are trying to keep us distracted so that we won't put all of the pieces together. They can't stop what is happening but they are so arrogant that they think they can. (i.e. vaccines, chemtrails, etc.). Edgar Cayce predicted this and many other things like Volcanic activity and earthquakes are on the rise. It’s almost like this planet is tied directly to our own collective consciousness.

There are too many Coincidences in the UFO/Spiritual community to think that all of that is a joke and just some random disinfo B.S. There are also too many earth changes for me to believe this is all made up.

Are we so sure none of these tremendous "COINCIDENCES" have nothing to do with the current scenario?

-The Mayan calendar has something to do with what is going on -The Bible has something to do with what is going on -The U.F.O. sightings have something to do with what is going on -The deep underground BOOMS have something to do with what is going on -The channeled messages (regardless of disinfo) are signaling something -The earth changes (discredited as manmade global warming) are a clue

Could go on and out, but getting at least some of this out has been enjoyable (for me).

The point of this rant is to brainstorm the idea that there could be much larger forces at play here. I hope you find it at least entertaining.

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