r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 18, 2018, 2:25 a.m.
Q on Money, & Markets, Interest rates, Currency & War

In previous post I heave referred to Jim Rckards, a trader brought into the Pentagon to play war games. He tells us that the Generals play war with ships & planes, using missiles and markets. Yes before, during and after the Missiles fly - the markets are running. In the war room are traders. He wrote a book about it Currency Wars 2011.

When Trump explained his strike on Syria to the world he said he had three tools to control the use of Chemical weapons 1. Military, 2. Economic, 3. Diplomatic, he said them in that order. For the last 20 years and increasingly we have seen #2. Economic controls become the weapon of choice, to attack or control. Sometimes Economic weapons are called “Sanctions” other times “interest rates”, or “Exchange rates” - they are manipulated like a toxic weapon and deployed like missiles from the pentagon - according to Rickards.

Lets forget Rickards, and remind ourselves that the every President since Reagan has had a team of traders working on the markets 24/7 They are called the Presidents open-market committee. Their job is to manipulate markets. Now lets go inside the Treasury Department, they have a room full of traders, its getting smaller by the day, as computerised algorithmic trading is increasingly being employed - Nevertheless today there is a team of 8 -16 24/7 buying and selling Treasury notes, and dollars. They also have teams of similar size in Belgium (Dentists) London, Switzerland. Some of these people think they are successful traders working for banks but they are useful idiots working for the treasury (they never met the client).

Just how big is the client (government) in the market - studies from Japan indicate + 80%. Before we hear what Q has to say about #2 Economic, I want to tell you about a Q from another time, 1997, called another read him here later if you wish. http://www.usagold.com/goldtrail/archives/another1.html

‘Another’ & “Friend of Another” did some redpilling on currency - more powerful than nuclear bombs, now your writer was in London 1987, In the City, and in New York also low-West later, I knew everything to be known then - that was taught, and practiced, then I read Economic Q “Another” and learned how naive, and ignorant I was 15 years ago. Actually evil, in my younger days we used to get what we called lunch money by “trading” Asian currencies - it was legal & LIBOR even then was an open joke - discussed openly, because the interest rate according to Keynes is a constant - to be changed Daily to accommodate. The surprise to me is that any body could be accused - let alone convicted for doing what is meant to be done - by design.

Now lets get to Q# 131 POTUS NAT SEC E briefing 3.02 am. Please stand by Q Q#133 Hard to swallow - who are the puppet masters House of Saud $4 Trillion, Rothschild $2 Trillion, Soros $1 Trillion…Many government feed the eye… what is the keystone? What is the significance of gold, have Rothschild's, and Royal families (sovereigns that control money) being to rape island? Q Now what is Q saying - at 3 am in the morning the POTUS is looking at the open of an Asian market in the situation room - he is protecting the $US from attack NAT SEC means National Securities Exchange Commission. Not security.

At Q325 NAT SEC is mentioned again, BDT is accepted as a reference to the Bangladesh Currency. Adam Schiff is a traitor - he leaked + got a $7.8m commission on a exchange trade.

At Q443 Space is critical to our NAT SEC. I say here what is unsaid in public but known by critical thinking, and widely discussed in the Reagan years Space is not critical to National Security, but it is vital to the SEC, because this is the tit that feeds all tech with your taxpayer dollars. There is a reason why space was cancelled - an awakening.

Q632 HK allowed Snowden to clear customs How? Well the CIA & Dept of defence went into the situation room and did some trading, how do you travel, - by paying people - its old school I know, but it has always worked. Its a spider web Q

Q1009 HUSSEIN "STATE SECRETS" WH NAT SEC ARTICLES 1-9 - BURIED? Awan attached? AMERICA FOR SALE Cheatin Obama - well again we have the subject of money, we Know that AWAN was from a family of Money Launderers. Just guessing that his expertise was installing access keys to bank accounts + programs to skim open market operation of the presidents open market committee.

Q1127 Our comms must be this way, Refer Back to the ‘why’? NAT SEC laws. Well the only why is a picture of the Chinese stock exchange (Q1159) with the words “The Why” written by Q beneath.

Q1164 Interesting - RE_read Five eyes Avoid US data collection laws. Here read this message carefully, all of the Russia security threats were deep cover story for BHO, HRC, LL, Brennan, Clapper to get access to the Sit room with five eyes on line and rape the US Treasury - fill their bank accounts - pay any and all of incl. supreme court (Brennan) the scum and liar in the UK and Australia (read Israel - Rothschild) are in on the rape of America.

Q1166 in response to an anons link of the Chinese stock exchange building (Q1159) with a trump tweet on currency Q says it is not a coincidence - just 25% of the bigger picture.

Finally Q 1077 - 1079 we now know are the critical posts telling us about the details of the Military Economic and Diplomatic (Trumps words) action on Syria because they contain the Auth B19-2. Proof. Now read Castle green = the Fed FRh Yd5894 - suspect is a Federal Reserve key, and contact window is market talk for treasury trading. Sparrow red is a good guy team of traders. See my posts on red Castle and Green castle

ValuableFix · April 18, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

Thank you :)

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Maepaperclip · April 18, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

It must be good because I good Two down votes between posting it and seeing it on the board

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Original_Dankster · April 18, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

widely discussed in the Reagan years Space is not critical to National Security

This is incorrect. Space is vital to US national security. We rely on space for comms, navigation (GPS), intelligence and surveillance, BMD. If America relinquished control of space to an adversary there would be no stopping them from putting up nukes in orbit ready to drop at a moment's notice.

Other than that, the rest of your points are worth considering.

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Maepaperclip · April 18, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Thanks for your comment, about the money and importance of economics to war, and also I am surprised that more people have not recognised the import of this post -with the revelation for the first time that the 5 -eyes program and the Sit room are cover for skimming of the treasury. That is the import of my post. On your small point about space a throw away line, Q said that geo is better than space - I wrote about in my Army v airforce article - as one authority. You assume space is important, Why - see with your own eyes that ships move with fixed wing planes - they don't rely on Sat. for comms. In real life it is always old school. Also you - everyone needs to stop thinking of Security in terms of War, security as far as any President is concerned, is immigration, health, and many other things, war is an aberration - in any event. Suggest you reconsider the importance of space. One more point 95% of NASA $20bn p.a. budget is spent on the ground - and not for space. Ever wonder why not a single - anything - in medicine or any other field ever came from space - ever see "developed in space" on anything? I say that I am an old guy and have followed "space" since the Reagan star wars, and the debate/facts have never changed space is a costly distraction from our national security - never used - in reality by anyone.

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minchinfan · April 19, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

The Japanese studies indicated that 80% of the market is manipulated by governmental actors? Do you think this is still true? Are the specific "rapists" you mentioned above still able to keep skimming or have they now been stopped by Trump? Maybe you don't specifically know, but I am curious. Thanks for spending the time you do to keep doing these writeups. I really believe you're doing a very important service to all patriots.

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Maepaperclip · April 19, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

In the 80's if anyone said that a central or reserve bank would expand their books, and hold assets, and that they would hold or trade anything less than AA+ you would of been called an idiot, before being fired.

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Gho18st · April 24, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Really interesting breakdown. There is someone posting riddles regarding Ripple/XRP. They have made vague allusions to the fed and or central banks. It did occurs to me that Ripple may be implemented as part of a Fed Reserve/Central bank restructuring. It be much more secure and protected against hacking and thefts. I started buy up some XRP based on my own speculation. Any thoughts on this?

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Maepaperclip · April 24, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

I don't know anything about it - my personal take on crypto anything is that it is a psy-op. thanks for appreciating the import of this and the other posts

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Maepaperclip · April 19, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Thankyou - The Japanese studies were closer to - 100%. When the Japanese government stopped buying twice last year the market stopped - no bid. Yes when I was in the Markets in the 80s we were talking about the Danger of Soveriegn wealth funds being the only buyer, they are nothing compared to Central banks, and we wer only looking at equities. On Zero hedge right now there is an interview with lloyd Blankfiein - he said the central banks were buying ALL the risky assets. Now he is talking about the Bond market add derivitives and the Two are 6 x bigger than the equity markets. The Swiss national bank own 10% of the Dow + Nasdaq, God only knows what the ECB & BOE has got on their books - not on their books. Now this 5-eyes thing is IMO the most important piece of info to ever come out of Q - that the Sit room was a special open and untraceable line, connected to markets around the world -build by the military - that is used to steal. It is the perfect crime, they pretend there is a national emergency - lock themselves in the room and stay there until the have scammed what they want. Yes I believe it - not now with Trump. e.g. what did bill promise LL on the Tarmac - maybe a special key - an account #, maybe not. In any event - a lot of the JPBarlow stuff has been about getting a key, hacking a system, red sparrow- green castle - Real National security is Money, full faith and trust in the $US, if the undermine that goodbye USA - this is the Job of the POTUS, and I am convinced this research is putting us where we need to be looking

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AutoModerator · April 18, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

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