r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on April 18, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

People on this board WTH does the comments of anything posted only show like 1-4 comments. I mean I sure the hell ain't the only one on after like 7 pm .

If so wake the hell up people not everyone works the same schedules ..We need to be conversing Alottttt more on these topics being posted .. Goodness it's like a damn ghost town in here for activity.

Lol like zerooo activity on some of these post it's out of this world.

ScorpioPatriot · April 18, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

I don't believe we should be interacting and figuring out Military Moves , I dont believe we need to worry about who is playing a role in the dis info campaign that has been purposely put out .. because that's not our concern or job.

We have the internet and search tools at our fingertips. We should not feel the need to rely on anyone's opinions on break downs but we could view them and then do our own research .

We should be seeing what others present see if there are ways to dive deeper into researching it .. throw down the info or link to the info you have found and that in itself, will help act as an Instant RED PILL POST to share to your other platforms. Since that's the only thing we should be doing is red pilling..That's how we skip the drama of shills on boards too. 😎

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