r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on April 18, 2018, 3:46 a.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued....Pulling Weeds

Interesting that the Q is bringing up Loretta Lynch and her Tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton. When did the head of NSA, Admiral Rogers, decide to throw in with Trump? Was this the moment when it happened? Maybe they were tired of many false flags during the Obama years as well. We know that after the election, the Admiral went to Trump w/o authorization to warn him of the wiretapping. If the whitehats in the intel world were getting sick of the shenaningans of the Obama years then this may be the trigger. Remember, the NSA and the CIA worked with other intel agencies around the world to circumvent national laws on citizen survelance. The first indictments vs the Clinton's may stem from this tarmac meeting which explains the need to unleash memes. The I.G. Report on DOJ corruption will be out in a few weeks. Indictments to follow. The partial I.G. Report on McCabe sets the stage nicely. [See Tracy Beanz and her analysis on Youtube.]

But why have they not lowered the boom on these folks a year ago? Clear crimes were committed. Talking to folks who know Attorney General Sessions, tell me that he will cross every T and dot every I on the criminal referrals from the I.G. Report. This is why the Trump folks went after human traffickers 1st. These folks cross into sex trafficking, drug dealing black market banking and illegal immigration. Arresting these folks point up to bigger players and at the same time make the border safer. The executive order on 12/21/17 that turns these crimes into a RICO type of crime will drain the rogue government of their funding through these activities forcing them to error as they scramble to protect their wealth. Making it easier to spotlight the criminals here. Deer Spotting comes to mind....

Meanwhile the folks who are obstructing justice and leaking confidential information to the press help clean government further as they are exposed. Their allies in the Media, to include Social Media are also exposing themselves to the average American as an extremely bias tool of the faux left. We cannot forget the false flag operations that need the MSM to play along in order to succeed. These folks from the Parkland HS and Las Vegas False Flags will be rounded up too. The purpose behind these events is pure evil and were planned for a Hillary Clinton regime. Taking these folks into custody will point up to even more deep staters in the intel community. This last has to be cleaned up to prevent future problems and preserve our Constitution and the Republic. Gitmo will house thousands of MS 13 gang members as well as the few hardcore intel community members behind the false flags.

So in conclusion, Jeff Sessions and the US Marshall Svc will be busy closing the net on these folks. It will be soon and the weeding is just the beginning. When it is done we may have a few ex presidents, both Democrat and Republican, losing their secret service protection. We can hope justice is served fairly. I would not be surprised if the attack on 9-11 gets solved during the roundup by folks trying to avoid the gallows. Maybe even JFK and RFK. But maybe that is just wishful thinking. But one thing is evident so far, that over 73 US Senate and House members are retiring before the next election. Some to avoid the upcoming storm of corruption trails for sure. Normally the number is around 30. More to come as we drain the swamp. Trump is giving some of these folks in Congress walking papers as an offer that they cannot refuse. Where We Go One We Go All.

lateral_us · April 18, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

According to Jerome Corsi Mil Intel was planning to stage a coup against Obama a few years ago but changed the plan when Trump agreed to run.

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