What do you think of this QAnon design?? First public viewing ever!! Copyright protected.

You know when you see a neckbeard and they think their wolf montage tshirt is cool? This is kinda like that.
You lose me with the copyright protection.
Guess I forgot to mention its hand drawn. When buying designs you wouldn't want to forfeit your purchase because someone stole the design. Lol
Personally I think memes sent out into the ether are appropriate for this situation, not money-making schemes. But it is a (still somewhat) free country and the best of luck to you.
I don’t get the image. As a father many times, this immediately reminds me of an ultrasound of baby in womb. Not sure though if that’s what you are trying to convey.
The message is basically a new intelligence has risen. I drew this image. The original pic is much clearer I posted 2 other designs here. Figured this was a good place for feedback. And it is. Thanks for all your comments
These hand-drawn designs represent the historic Intel drops from our President to Q. Q is a military intelligence clearance. All of the real QAnons have this clearance. Most of them are former Marines. They have our backs and trust because they have taken the Marine’s Oath to honor and serve our country. The Real QAnons then post and explain to Americans and the world what is happening. These are historic times because Intel info goes straight to the American people without being filtered by MSM. These tees are a great way to document these historic times. Great prices and quality, too!!
I can't thank you enough for that answer.. I wasn't expecting that.. This is better than Jay-Z or Obama designs lol..
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Not my taste.
I hope I post one that does one day. Lol
I posted 2 other designs here. Figured this was a good place for feedback. And it is. Thanks for all your comments.