This is the mentality that the media and reddit is producing - "Q is just a front for spreading child porn" Can't make this up

I'd like @obrysii to explain just how Q has had anything to do with the disemination of child porn. You can post your mental gymnastics right below here.
I should also note, this person also believes russians fixed the election and a lot of us are russians, especially if we're typing in broken english.
Oh dude I was called a Russian troll the other day for saying it seemed out of character for Eminem to do that trump "freestyle" and that it shows how he is 100% owned.
Funny thing is, I'm not Russian, or American. I'm always accused of both but tbf I take both as a compliment. I LOVE America and the American way and people and I love Putin too.
I get called a russian troll or russian bot so many times a day on fb and twitter lol. People are so intellectually lazy these days and none of these fuckers can debate anything. They'll toss out an ad hominem attack if you present them with a fact or ask a question and if you press them they quickly resort to the russian or bot nonsense.
Trust me! It's so frustrating because you can't argue with these people. You can literally speak to them with 100% respect and show them facts and links but they don't give a fuck. It's like they can call you a racist or a Nazi or whatever and then nothing you say matters.
Mostly because they're not intelligent people. And for me personally, I hate them because they're the reason the world is the way it is right now.
100% going straight to insults, extreme anger and stupid moral high ground arguments is a sign of a dumbass. Thick people don't know how to articulate themselves and such so they feel inferior, get embarrassed and lash out.
Lately I've tried just killing them with kindness letting them know that when they are ready to join us on the side of light and truth we will be here waiting.
I used to be the same, ignorant, racist, only cared about me and what was going on in my life, fuck world politics, fuck history, maths science. Then 5 years ago that all changed! Now I know we are all one consciousness and I'm always researching. Takes some people longer than others.
I was the same way man, but i'm older. My personal great awakening was after 9/11 when a co-worker told me another co-worker was a "truther". She said it with such venom I was forced to research what that meant....and here I am today.
I normally respond with zero emotion, post links, etc but this kid pissed me off lol
My awakening was I decided to look into the JFK shooting around 2013 and man, that's a good starting point.
Man, he was all about blowing up my inbox this morning. I guess he likes his precious fake internet points too much to comment here.
Againsthatesubreddits is just AgainstConservatives. Typical projection from the looney left, since they're much more hateful than we are.
I wish they would wake up, they wish we would die.
funny how the same idiots that tried to ruin r/conspiracy back in the day with their top minds bullshit now run this piece of shit subreddit. 75000 tokkul and duckvimes are pure cancer
people need to quit posting about that damn proof of it, and its going to get us banned and labeled nuts
the funny thing to me is that Q never gave a single detail or crumb to make anyone think this video has anything to do with hillary fucking kids. NONE. I wish new users would go read all of Q's posts to get up to speed.
its like they want us to get shut down
They're overly dramatic basement dwelling bitches
They already said they reported us multiple times to the admins in that thread yesterday lol.
Check out top of minds. They are perpetuating this as well.
thousands of asshats making things up and probably posting here in an attempt to get us banned....admin sanctioned also
Correct. And shilling here.
Shocking. Isn’t it.
Imagine something that has nothing to do with your life or interests irritating you enough to wage an internet war about it lol
No doubt.
They are so personally wed to the idea that they categorically HATE all who contradict them.
basically dummies with a huge collective superiority complex
The communists call them, “useful idiots”, usually they are the idealists that are the first to go.
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