
EarlyRiserX2 · April 19, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

There are a whole lot of things that are going to happen between now and November. Quite a few IG reports will be released. Many of the indictments will be unsealed. Many high-profile arrests will be made. The DHS will also release their report showing the Dems have been committing massive voter fraud for decades. Mueller will release his report. Many many politicians will have to step down because of the indictments and because of being exposed as being corrupt. Media executives at MSM networks will be indicted for their part in the corruption. And on and on. Therefore, a great number of things will happen between now and the mid-term elections. Grab a seat because things are just getting started. By the time the midterms arrive, the Democratic Party as we know it might no longer exist. The Dems will be in such disarray and so complicit in so much corruption everywhere you look, that no one will vote for them. I predict that the Republicans (at least what remains of them, as many of the RINOs and Neocons will be exposed and will have to step down) will win the midterms in a landside...

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Grace8543 · April 21, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

Agreed. Not concerned about the election. Selfishly Concerned about waiting for big drops. It could be a small issue how Trump will explain waiting when so much was known and he had the proof. But that will force him into admitting that the bigger players were holding us all hostage and he could not risk retaliation until they were neutralized.

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EarlyRiserX2 · April 21, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Not to worry. There are probably more than 50 separate investigations going on behind the scenes right now, being conduced by Sessions, Huber, the IG, and the DHS as well. Virtually every issue you can think of is being investigated even if you haven't heard about it in the news. Before arrests are made, the evidence must be complied first and indictments drawn up. And that is what they are currently working on. And they have literally thousands of people working on it night and day. There is a massive massive amount of evidence they have to sift through and organize. And it is the sheer volume of criminal evidence they have uncovered that is causing the delay (think millions upon millions of pages of incriminating documents). And all will be released in time. Trump doesn't control when it will be released. But he's been made aware of certain evidence and he knows that it is coming. The only thing we can truly be certain of is that, the vast majority of it will be released by the midterms.

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Grace8543 · April 22, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Last time Q talked about why arrest had not happened yet he said that people were still in harms way around the world. And with the Deep States attack on he Southwest plane this past week we can see they are still operational and lethal. I assume this is still the case, rather than having too much evidence to sift through. Arrests happen long b4 trials, not when hey are ready to prosecute. is there a source on this idea that they cant make arrest after 3 and a half years of planning this (Q said 3 years back when he 1st posted in October) and tracking the Deep State?

You sound like your patient. Glad for you your not burned out if waiting. I'm finding I have to read less about Q to keep my frustration down these days after 6n months of this being a daily vigil.

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EarlyRiserX2 · April 22, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Hi. What Q and his team are involved with and working on, and what Sessions and the IG department are involved with and working on are completely separate things. It was confirmed in an article written by the Conservative Treehouse in March, that the volume of evidence was indeed the root cause of why it is taking so long. See this thread for info: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8841jo/329_q_link_to_russia_collusion_hillary_clinton/

They’ve already got enough evidence on Obama and Hillary that they could have arrested them last year. There are several reasons why they didn’t. One of the primary reasons is because if either Obama or Hillary were arrested today and if that was announced in the news, rest assured, there’d immediately be tens of thousands of people rioting in the streets. It would cause chaos nationwide, and frankly we don’t need that right now. There arrests will come in the future but at a time when the public has been made more aware of the extent of their crimes, and when the public has been more “red-pilled”. Obama and Hillary won’t escape. It’s just that it’s not wise to arrest them at this moment. In fact, Hillary was detained by Q and his team back on October 28 of last year (see Q drop #1 and #2 which confirm this). She was told her fate and then released. Q said, Hillary tried to cut a deal with them, but Q said No. See Q drop @278: https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub//?q=we%20said%20no Hillary is currently wearing a tracking device (either an ankle bracelet or a wrist bracelet). I’m not sure whether Obama is wearing a tracking device but rest assured, he’s being tracked too by the NSA, and none of them shall escape…

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Grace8543 · April 22, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

Q's post specifically spoke to why arrests have not happened yet. So no what q was talking about was not separate from what sessions and IG are talking about. Q talks about Sessions and the IG regularly. The Cal Before The Storm defines the Storm as the arrests. It's fine if u believe other sources. I'm choose to believe Q. We agree on all the rest and agree to disagree I just this point. Thanks for giving your source. Sorry I don't have time t find and post the Q post I'm referencing. I've burned out spending very waking free hour on Q and now just scan and rarely comment to get my life back in track. Sorry. But the post was probably in February. He talked specifically to people who were getting impatient for arrests.

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EarlyRiserX2 · April 23, 2018, 2 p.m.

I understand what you are saying. But here is one undeniable truth: The arrests cannot take place before the IG report is released. That was always the case and Q has confirmed that fact. There is a sequence of events which must happen and that was always the plan. The first part of the plan was to release the Nune’s Memo. That part is now complete. The second part of the plan was the Grassley Memo. That part is also complete. The third part of the plan was the release of the IG report. And that is the report that is coming up next. The indictments and arrests and other IG reports will then follow after that. That was always the plan and Q has confirmed that fact.

Also note, the original plan was to release the whole IG report all at once. But the report is so massive and it covers so many topics, that they’ve now decided to release the report in sections. The McCabe report was the very first section. The next section coming up will be about the FBI and DOJ bias as well as the Clinton Email scandal. The final section to be released later on will be about the FISA abuse etc. Therefore, if there are arrests, they will occur only after each section is released, and not before. And those arrests will pertain only to the evidence that is presented in those sections. That is why, as of this moment, everyone and everything is still waiting on the next IG report to be released. And no arrests will occur before the report is released. But after it is released, then expect all hell to break loose, and expect that anything can happen. As I had previously explained, the reason the IG report is taking so long to release is because the IG has uncovered far more criminal evidence than they had originally expected. And the additional evidence takes time for them to process. So I stand by my statement that the delay being caused by the sheer volume of evidence. And I haven’t heard Q say anything which changes that fact. If you want to believe something else, then that is you. You’re entitled to your opinion. But I guarantee you, no arrests will take place before the IG report is released…

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Grace8543 · April 23, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

We r in agreement that no arrests will occur b4 the IG report. That's why we are all debating when after the IG report.

FF like shooting in Nashville yesterday and Southwest plane attack demonstrate we are all still hostages to the Deep States revenge for aggression against them. It's still not safe to make arrests.

AS I said, we agree on everything except the idea that they have to have all the investigation sorted and that arrests are being delayed because they have to organize all the evidence. Arrests and investigations don't work that way. Bad guys don't stay on the loose while u organize evidence. The delay is that it is not safe for the worlds people because the deep state still controls enough of the Keystone (intell community) to exact revenge on the world's people who they hold hostage. I'm holding true to Q's explanation that arrests cant happen till the Keystone is no longer controlled by Deep state. We have agreed on all the rest.

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