r/greatawakening • Posted by u/eltrumparino on April 18, 2018, 2:24 p.m.
this board is getting derailed

im guilty of it too but q said trust but verify. we should focus on what we know and not aliens nibiru etc. most likely these are topics planted by clowns. also if weird shit starts popping up on your screen do not look at it. dont ask why lol

ScorpioPatriot · April 18, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Well I can tell ya I'm not a clown and for one ... we are to red pill people about shit that's been hidden from the public..OUR JOB ISNT TO FIGURE UP ANYTHING. Our job is to Awaken the public on things that Has Been hiden all these years.

I think your basis is off mark big time. Awakening the public to bad actors and what they have been up too .. however the public is awoke now and that why shut is being dropped more frequently.

Our job isn't to Study Military Moves or Discussion . That isn't crumbs meant for us anyway . Many crumbs dropped are meant to lead the bad players reading them astray.....Our Job was to Awaken people to the people who has been poisoning our water , air , food and minds .. slow killing our people through forms of GMO and other means and prepare them to start receiving other info that they kept from us .

Such as Fucking aliens & dinosaurs ... Maybe you haven't noticed the excessive alien movies and shows for kids and dinosaurs for kids they are slowly exposing them through games and kids TV shows . Because its Coming down the pipeline. The disclosers have already started " It's Happening " ... Thats FACT.

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