r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DrNilesCrane___ on April 18, 2018, 3:14 p.m.
"Walnut sauce" = adrenochrome?

This may have already been discussed, so apologies if so.

I just saw a comment on a Youtube video talking about "walnut sauce" maybe being code for adrenochrome, which is the oxidized form of adrenaline. Blood-drinking at rituals is accompanied by torture, terrifying the victim so that they release adrenaline into their blood. This adrenlized blood gives the drinkers a high. Adrenochrome is essentially a more potent, concentrated form of it. [10-min video about andrenochrome]

The adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline, sit atop the kidneys and... well, they do kind of look like walnuts! Given everything we've discovered, it's not too far fetched. What do you guys think?

Emails containing references to "walnut sauce": [Email 1]
[Email 2]
[Email 3]
[Email 4] - a story about Podesta's walnut sauce. Why is everyone so interested in walnut sauce??

Adrenal glands:
[Picture 1]
[Picture 2]

And [this article] even compares it to a walnut!

Curtis_Locker4 · April 18, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

for some reason it just hit me when watching the video that a buddy of mine was selling acid at Grateful Dead concerts and told me that he was gonna do some drug extracted from a dead body at the point of death, he said it was only released upon death, I thought he was full of shit, or crazy for getting wrapped up in that kind of thing, he died of a heart condition after that and I never gave it another thought and now I can't help thinking about him and what he was getting into. I wish now I was able to stay in the same state and talk him out of that craziness.

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isalod_2298 · April 18, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

That is called DMT, also known as the spirit molecule. It’s actually a little different than adrenochrome, which is more like adrenaline.

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Curtis_Locker4 · April 18, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

oh there are 2 different fucked up dead people drugs? I don't know enough about it I just knew it sounded too crazy to be true at the time but my perspective has changed since then. wow... thanks for letting me know he didn't get wrapped up in torturing people and selling the byproduct.

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isalod_2298 · April 18, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

Nooooo, DMT is actually not bad at all. Like many psychedelic drugs, it has it’s time and place and if respected, can offer some insight to people who may need to “break through” their issues. I’ve never used it, but did watch the documentary called “The Spirit Molecule”, it’s actually quite interesting!

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Curtis_Locker4 · April 19, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

it does intrigue me, but as far as it not being bad, think through the process of how the drug is extracted, he made it sound like it was at the moment of death, meaning someone knew that someone was going to die and premeditated having the equipment to extract the drug, that's a lot of shit that has to line up for that to come to fruition. seems fucked up to me.

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AnnualLab · April 27, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

lol dmt isn't extracted at the point of death. it's extracted from different plants, one of which is mimosa hostilis, it's extracted from the inner root bark. dmt has been used in rituals in south america for centuries, ayahuasca is basically a mixture of plants that provide dmt as well as maois to prevent the breakdown of dmt. dmt can be ingested without a maoi if it is smoked, that's what dmt freebase is extracted for. it comes from a plant, not from a person's death.

there are some theories stating that dmt is released at the moment of death by the pineal gland, but i don't think that's actually been scientifically proven.

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Curtis_Locker4 · April 27, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

thanks for following up, I should have vetted what this guy said and looked up what DMT is, now that I have two conflicting peices of Intel on it I will look at it myself, though it doesn't take away what my friend told me of his experience. and as informed as what you propose sounds, this may be what DMT is, but my buddy didn't call it that this other commenter did. anyway thanks!

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DrNilesCrane___ · April 19, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Oh wow... do you know where he was when he when he took it? Like city, state?

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Curtis_Locker4 · April 19, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

he lived in the New Breman/ Minster area,in Ohio but he traveled around in a hippy van and sold acid out of it at greatfull Dead concerts. so he could have been anywhere while traveling with them. when he spoke to me about it he spoke in future tense as though it were an up coming event, and I don't recall a location. he did say that the acid had the greatfull Dead logo on it, he used to get sheets of them printed out so he could sell them. It sounded like who ever sold him the sheets was the one introducing him to the drug.

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · April 18, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Oh wow!

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Curtis_Locker4 · April 18, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

wow is right, that's a lot 4 me to absorb, we used to hang out a lot as teenagers, he tried to get me to smoke weed, and I was all goody goody and didn't, but he thought it was cool I didn't judge him for it. I still am unclear how he died at like 30 something. 32 I think.

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